Amidst stunning revelations of Pastor T.B. Joshua's prophetic involvement in FIFA'S U-17 and U-20 World Cups, another event of international magnitude has been added to the growing list of accurate prophecies pronounced by the Nigerian cleric…
Over a month earlier, T.B. Joshua had spoken forth a prophetic message regarding a strange event to occur at a place bearing the name, 'Fort'. “This message is not even for Nigeria, but a super nation,” said the prophet during a live Sunday Service, alluding to the revelation about to be unveiled. “The name, 'Fort'. We should pray for that name,” he continued. “It's a parable because I'm seeing a strange person carrying something.” The pastor then demonstrated his hands cocked as if holding a gun. “We are praying for the whole world here”. The service was broadcast live via Emmanuel TV.
On Thursday, November 5th 2009, a soldier carrying two handguns opened fire on fellow soldiers at the Fort Hood Army Base in Texas, USA, killing 13 people and wounding 30 in a tragic event that elicited shock and grief throughout the nation and beyond. The incident in Fort Hood, the largest active duty armored post in the world, stands as the deadliest ever on a military base on American soil. Arguments have run awry as to the motive of such massacre, the perpetrator being a fellow American soldier, Dr. Malik Nadal Hasan, a trained psychiatrist and major decorated with a number of prestigious military awards.
Addressing the nation, President Barack ObamaBarack Obamasaid on the horrific shootings: “These are men and women who have made the selfless and courageous decision to risk and at times give their lives to protect the rest of us on a daily basis. It's difficult enough when we lose these brave Americans in battles overseas…But it's all the more heartbreaking and all the more despicable because of the place where it occurred and the patriots who were its victims.”
Coming on the heels of recent confirmations of Joshua's prophetic insight in the football arena from the likes of Sellas Tetteh, coach of Ghana's victorious U-20 team and John Fashanu, Nigerian Ambassador for Sports and Tourism, events continue to unveil the authenticity of such prophetic pronouncements
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We need God's protection and mercy in our daily activities. Despite TB Joshua not mentioning the nation, if only the nation had listened to the prophesy and prayed for God's divine protection, I think this won't have happened. It high time we listened to what God has to say through Prophet TB Joshua and pray as he instructs. May the souls of the lost ones rest in peace.