15.06.2009 Feature Article


15.06.2009 LISTEN

The noble work of the judiciary in the new modern war courts would not be successful, if they neglect the essential contribution war psychiatry would bring to the establishment of this important organisation in the world. It would indeed be a mistake to not develop the latter while the institution itself is being given strenuous consideration. War psychiatry would be the sanctuary where all offenders of war should be first examined prior to them being further considered for imprisonment or other forms of punishment. Since this branch is very vital to the proper functioning of the war courts, I consider it important to deal with it separately in this article to supplement the trivial mentioning of this fundamental treatment office in the previous essays. The purpose of this article is, therefore, to argue that war origination is not something that should be regarded as a normal thing like the commencement of a game or other entertainment ventures. Instead, the origination of war has something to do with a deviant behaviour, (something that the religious people of old could not diagnose) which has close affinity with an individual's personality characteristics. Because of this War psychiatry should be given the opportunity to deal with the treatment of all personalities that become involved with war origination or disturbances that precipitate war in the larger society. It is the subordinate aim of this article to point out strongly in no uncertain terms that war going is a crime, and should never be engaged in at all by any faction or countries to settle their differences. Translation of war to the war courts is the proper method and dignified way to thrash out conflicts that ensue among nations of the world.

Previously, men have been sent to the psychiatric clinics or hospitals because after returning from war, these unfortunate individuals have contracted illnesses or have been found to be suffering from some kinds of psychiatric disorders. This has been the usual manner when people that have connection with wars have been sent to the psychiatric sector of the health services to receive treatment. The new thinking at the moment goes even further and posits that those that engineer the wars are in the first place not normal; they are sick and therefore should be made to undergo psychiatric treatments. If war going had been a game for the barbarians of elsewhere in the world of antiquity because they wanted to steal others' properties, make others slaves, look for illusory supremacy, and frivolous ambitions, sorry! The new modern world sees these things as crimes, which should be discontinued immediately. It has been a characteristic of the dominant society that war going shows that one is superior but as we have uncovered of late, real or authentic superior is attained not given by other countries to another that can act barbaric because this particular nation is capable of producing better weapons. This reasoning sounds the warning that war should be not finished before another country's leader or citizen who commenced the war should be judged a criminal; the mere fact of having originated war makes this person a criminal or a sick individual to call for appropriate action.

Wherever we have War court in the world, there should be War Psychiatry to work in co-operation with the World War Court Organisation. The modern psychiatry where war offenders are to be treated have to go from the premise that war is a crime and as a result it is not a normal thing to be engaged in, though unfortunately, the barbarians had made them their hobby and the primitive manner of settling cases or a dispute. Those found to be engineering war or causing disturbance that leads to war are to be regarded to be sick individuals with personality disorders. Some of these patients are be observed meticulously and diagnosed from disorders such as:

Aggressive disorder,
Obsessive compulsive disorder,
Depression with hallucination symptoms,
Schizophrenia with a well-preserved body,
Absolute Zenith Complex (AZC),
Hannibal Odyssey Complex (HOC),
Norman psychosis (NP), and
Superiority Complex Personality Disorder (SCPD).
These individuals have to go through psychiatric treatments just like all sick personalities that often receive treatments from these experts. It is therefore appropriate to make them adequate so that they shall return to the society of normal people. It is the aim of War psychiatry that after these different treatments in the hospitals and clinics, those of the patients who had for a long time been going to war on God's behalf or the gods' behalves, would finally allow these spiritual beings to go and wage their own wars.

War is not a thing to be used as a game to achieve one's frivolous ambitions or cheap popularity in the world. With the exception of barbarians' invasion in another sovereign country or intruders with the purpose of coming to steal or to make the inhabitants slaves, any leader who utilises war as a means of settling cases or disputes should be made to undergo psychiatric treatment. Some of these leaders must be imprisoned for life, for playing with the lives of the citizens of his country. With good laws in place, after the judiciary rules, it should be possible for any citizen whose child had been injured for unnecessary wars that had nothing to do with a particular country's security to send the immutable president to the court.

It is wrong for any religious leader to incite innocent young men and women that had been indoctrinated to go to unnecessary wars for these unseen powers that could go to their own wars anyway. “The Modern Theory of War” published in the book, The Security of Nations: A Psychological Perspective on Modern Theory of War (2008) provides information that discourages these useless wars that are usually organised by impostors who call themselves prophets, and so forth.


Every individual in this world has the right to worship his maker and also has the right to join any religion he chooses to adhere to. This is a fundamental freedom that every citizen of the earth possesses and, as for this, there is no questioned about that. But since these holy books were written by men, some unlettered and ignorant, it is possible that they had made serious mistakes concerning some of their teachings. These teachings should be examined in light of what modern scholars and scientists have come up with, which can be proved to be true and at the same time displace the outdated thinking or thoughts. To main these outdated thinking even though there are clear evidences that they are false is not healthy at all for any religion that needs progress and looking for real salvation for their members. If the Bible says that the world is flat, today it has been revealed with certainty that the world is round. If the Bible says that there is heaven and earth, today science has revealed that it is not so, for Copernicus and Galileo genius's discoveries earlier on had led to the abandonment of heaven/earth dichotomy that implied that all matter is of the same kind, regardless of whether it is celestial or terrestrial. If some people think that the original human beings were whites, today illumination has given us insights that the first REAL human beings were black and through accidents the albinos came to be, whose descendants are the white race of today. It was these African species that roamed about as the Neanderthal folks many thousand years in Europe. The same species moved later to settle in Germany whose descendants is the white race of today. That is the reason why people usually refer to Germany as “the mother of all nations”, meaning that the original white race settled there in Europe (when they moved from Africa), those groups whose hair were very black indicating that they had still those days the melanin in their hair. These people were more respected than any other persons in Germany for a long time.


Christians and other religions alike should be not afraid in employing scientific findings to correct their false ideologies. If you do not do that now, you will be forced to do that correction in the future. The problem with the later editions or corrections to be made later will be that people would have lost their faith in these outdated holy books, which would be very sad. But if the help of science were enlisted earlier, it would be possible to maintain a large number of people that might still believe in these old books or histories of the Israelites. At the moment, there are a number of scientific findings that had shed light on the Bible and the book of the religion in the Middle East, which could help to correct these false ideologies these books contain. If God had spoken to man through his prophets of old, today He continues to speak through His chosen scientists who could, in the thinking of the old naive inhabitants, pass the test of prophets whose teachings or researches would be saved for the future generations.


As the judiciary takes over power concerning the handling of wars on this planet, and the religious people are judged to obtain treatment from War Psychiatry, religion may need the help of science to correct their false ideologies they teach many of their ignorant converts. The word 'prophet', in the original Hebrew language, means a MADMAN. Though I do not suggest that all the things written in the Bible and other holy books are wrong, it is certainly possible that some of these people called prophets those days would have been put into chains by modern psychiatrists or doctors if they had lived today in the present world.

In conclusion, it can be said that the use of war by the barbarians to obtain their primitive wishes should not entice us to do the same. These people were extremely ignorant and naive and had no way of checking their leaders who usually engineer war and asked them to follow. If the Swedes who were among the first nations to have killed their leader for engineering and using them for manipulative wars had been able to desist from this evil for over 200 hundred years, why cannot the world follow this peace loving nation in the world? Let us take a new direction concerning war in this world; but for those who have already decided that they have declared war among themselves in their own expanse country on the planet which spill blood every minute, let us leave them behind to enjoy their so-called civilised society on earth.

By Desmond Ayim-Aboagye
