
Asawase constituents hail President Mahama over Muntaka's ministerial appointment

By Bismark Appiah Kubi II Contributor
Politics Asawase constituents hail President Mahama over Muntakas ministerial appointment
TUE, 21 JAN 2025

Residents of the Asewase constituency are celebrating the appointment of their Member of Parliament, Muntaka Mubarak as the Interior Minister Designate.

They expressed their excitement, stating that while they anticipated a ministerial position for him, the Interior Minister role is a significant and honorable appointment, considering his level of experience.

President Mahama submitted a third batch of ministerial nominees to Parliament on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, featuring key appointments for various critical ministries.

Following the President's announcement, this reporter visited the Asewase constituency to gauge the atmosphere and gather residents' reactions.

They urged their MP, Muntaka Mubarak, to make a positive impression when approved by the appointment committee.

The residents' enthusiasm is a testament to Muntaka Mubarak's reputation and experience, having previously served as the Minority Chief Whip.

His appointment as Interior Minister Designate is seen as a significant milestone, not only for the constituency but also for the country.

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