
PSGH welcomes nomination of Hon. Kwabena Mintah Akandoh as Minister For Health Designate

By Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH)
Press Release PSGH welcomes nomination of Hon. Kwabena Mintah Akandoh as Minister For Health Designate
TUE, 21 JAN 2025

The Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH) congratulates Hon. Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, Member of Parliament for the Juaboso Constituency in the Western North Region, on his nomination as Minister-Designate for Health.

As the professional body of all pharmacists in Ghana, the PSGH recognizes Hon. Akandoh’s dedication and passion for the health sector, particularly through his exemplary service as the Ranking Member of the Health Committee of the 8th Parliament. Our interactions with him have demonstrated his deep commitment to improving healthcare delivery in Ghana.

We are confident that, with his leadership, the Ministry of Health will thrive, fostering advancements that will positively impact the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. The PSGH remains ready to collaborate with Hon. Akandoh to address key challenges, strengthen the pharmaceutical landscape, and enhance healthcare outcomes for all Ghanaians.

We extend our best wishes to Hon. Akandoh as he prepares for his vetting by the Parliamentary Vetting Committee and look forward to his approval and subsequent leadership as Minister for Health.

Thank you.
Pharm. Dr. Samuel Kow Donkoh,
President, Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH)

[email protected], 0243-124-289, 020-8162909


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