
Bekwai: Assembly member sells woods meant for re-roofing of Ntinanko Community School to pay his debt sparks outrage

By Jacob Agyenim Boateng || Contributor
Social News Bekwai: Assembly member sells woods meant for re-roofing of Ntinanko Community School to pay his debt sparks outrage
SUN, 19 JAN 2025 1

Residents of Ntinanko in the Bekwai Municipality of the Ashanti Region have made shocking allegations against their Assembly member, Hon. Adu-Gyamfi, accusing him of misusing community funds.

The allegation follows the assembly member's handling of wood donated by the Poano cocoa station, which was meant for re-roofing the community's school.

According to the residents, Hon. Adu-Gyamfi allegedly hijacked the donated wood for his personal use, rather than using it for the intended purpose.

This claim is further complicated by the assembly member's alleged admission to the residents that he used the wood to pay off his debt.

The residents also claim that Hon. Adu-Gyamfi has failed to account for various developmental projects initiated by him and the community.

They expressed concerns about the deplorable state of the school blocks, which pose a danger to the children.

Speaking to this reporter, the residents emphasized the need for a safe and conducive learning environment for their children.

They are demanding accountability and transparency from Hon. Adu-Gyamfi regarding his handling of community funds and projects.

In response to the allegations, Hon. Adu-Gyamfi claimed that he doesn't need to account to anyone since he personally wrote the letter requesting the wood donation.

However, the residents argue that the assembly member used the community's name to request the wood, and therefore, he owes them an explanation.

The residents are urging the authorities to take immediate action to address the situation and ensure that their children have access to a safe and quality education.

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Joel Savage | 1/19/2025 6:10:12 PM

To be honest, this building isn't fit for a school. It appears to be a goat-keeping facility. To improve the quality of life for both teachers and children, Ghana requires healthier surroundings and better educational facilities.

Should Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) be privatized?

Started: 11-02-2025 | Ends: 11-03-2025
