The Auditor-General has disclosed in its report for the year ended December 2023 that 8,812 local and foreign students owe fees at the Accra Technical University.
In the report published on its website, the Auditor-General noted that the students owe the school over GH¢14 million.
The Auditor-General has directed the management of the Accra Technical University to recover the full amount from the affected students.
“We noted that 8,812 local and foreign students owed the University a total amount of GH¢14,034,046.16 as at 31 December 2023. We recommended to Management to take steps to recover the total amount of GH¢14,034,046.16 from the affected student and provide evidence for audit verification,” the Auditor-General said in its report.
Among the other issues discovered by the Auditor-General during its audit of Accra Technical University, it said it noticed that an unearned salary was paid to one staff member,
The staff, Mr. Kwame Owusu Ampadu was granted study leave with pay on 4 December 2019 to pursue a PhD Programme in Dependable Hardware/Software System at Brandenberg University in Germany and was expected to resume duty on 1 November 2023.
Although he failed to return to duty after the completion of his PhD programme, Mr. Ampadu was paid unearned salaries totalling GH¢16,523.18 for November and December 2023.
The Auditor-General has directed the management of the University to recover the amount from Mr. Ampadu.
“We recommended to Management to take steps to recover the total unearned salaries of GH¢16,523.18 from Mr. Kwame Owusu Ampadu and pay same into the Auditor-General’s Recoveries Account at Bank of Ghana,” the Auditor-General said in its report.