Ghana 1992 Constitution (rev. 1996) in Chapter 76 (1) states that the Cabinet is to be formed by the President, Vice President, and 10 maximum of 19 Ministers.
The newly elected President of Ghana, JD Mahama, publically has laid out his plan to have 23 Ministries (not including Regional Ministers) and a maximum of 60 Ministers (including Deputies?). In his oath of office, he swear to protect the constitution of Ghana. If he carries through with his suggestions he has already broken the provisions of the 1992 constitution. Fast man indeed.
As Ghanaians are angry with the previous administration, the Chief Justice nominated by the new President of Ghana, and the overwhelming NDC majority in parliament JD Mahama will not be held accountable for breaking the oath of office. Democracy does not work like that.
In Germany with a population of 83 Mio. people (Ghana 32 Mio.) Germany has 15 Ministries. Each Minister has two Deputies, one from the Parliament and one from the public service. Germany is the richest nation in Europe and the number four in the world after two World Wars, independence in 1990, and over 2 Mio. Refugees.