How many expert economists do you need to change one single ‘bulb of the economy' to create some light and pull us all out of economic darkness across 100 free economies?
How about 1, 100, 100,000, or none at all?
No number of economists can ever change the economic bulb, just like great sumo wrestlers cannot deliver a performance of Swan Lake ballet or explain why national Olympic teams are only created by ex-Olympic players and coaches and not national librarians. Today, we find ourselves on the brink of the most advanced global society, where professionalism is clearly defined, and statuses are categorized based on guaranteed and expected results. Economic studies are becoming increasingly theoretical, akin to how heart surgery would relate to examining Leonardo da Vinci's drawings on physiology. The economic bulb is a real thriving pulsating three-dimensional growth as delivered over last 1000 years by entrepreneurial mysticism. Study of business and how it grew all over the world is critical.
Humankind began with only two occupations: Hunters and Gatherers. Today, over a million distinct professions help humanity stay on course. However, the economic performance of the world's free economies has deteriorated over the decades to a dangerous point. They are responsible for a restless populace and now demand a complete overhaul.
Economic study is just theoretical, and any actual development is not the primary mandate of economists; they are often recognized as grand theorists, but their work is free-flow forecasting. While they swim around economic issues in shallow waters, they are never mandated to take concrete actions that drive real, thriving, three-dimensional growth in economies. Study the top 100 economists and their contributions across 100 free economies.
Taking 100 flights may make someone a frequent flyer, but it will never qualify them to sit in the cockpit as a trained pilot. Unfortunately, in many free economies, authentic economic theorists are placed in positions of authority, similar to being in a cockpit, while political leaders—often confused and less skilled—look to them as the saviors of cash flow needed for salvage operations. However, these theorists may lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and deeper understanding of the complexities of entrepreneurship.
This narrative is now leading to a harshly critical point of political correctness.
When over a million entrepreneurs have already demonstrated the power of the job-creator mindset, they have created over a million original small and medium businesses, each of which has grown and created over a million jobs. Why, then, the lingering fear of identifying at least one Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, whoever built one such enterprise?
The tragedy: weak political leadership across free economies has handed over all money issues to academic theorem economics. Lacking entrepreneurial mysticism, the only known magic to create oceans of SMEs, where small enterprises grow into Godzilla-size global giants' operations and change the face of the nation, economic thinking keeps on charting forecasting in circles. It looks for creative instruments, hedging, printing, and circular thinking, all spinning us into an economic abyss. A quick study on how and why The United States became the first, largest, and longest-lasting agro-industrial and prosperous country before the books on economic theorems were popularized.
Today, in the hands of a global political economy, the global-goals are nothing but global holes in the search for entrepreneurialism. The global support of institutionalized global printing and abstract global goals all create smoke and screams for the latter-day saints and their miracles. Economic intellectualism is frightened by entrepreneurialism, hence the deep silence.
There is a solution to isolate, identify, and categorize all economic development activity across the nation and match with real growth and entrepreneurial capabilities to design, manage, execute, and deliver targeted results.
Will this be allowed in your free economy? It takes a day on LinkedIn to measure the full performance levels of the entire teams already mandated to foster economic growth. Absence of any job creation mindsets and experience, while 99% are job seeker mindset, how can they ever create jobs, bring local grassroots prosperity. Only once you fully grasp the perspective and realize why the world has been in so much chaos for the last decades and why the national citizenry has not moved up a bit will you understand the root cause.
To get a global read on the prime economic development necessities like the national mobilization of entrepreneurialism and generic economic development, the GROC, a new top search engine created by X, was asked a question...
Thank you, "X," your GROC is the smartest search engine today,
The Question asked:
Who is the world's best team today to change the national face of SME sectors via national mobilization, upskilling, and reskilling SME exporters and Manufacturers and place them on digital global highways?
The Answer provided:
“Based on the information available from the search results, the team best positioned to change the national face of SME sectors through national mobilization, upskilling, and reskilling, particularly for placing SMEs on a global stage, would likely be Expothon Worldwide, led by Naseem Javed. Here's why:
Expertise and Vision: Naseem Javed is described as a "recognized authority on new economic thinking" with a focus on national mobilization of entrepreneurialism. His approach includes upskilling exporters and reskilling manufacturers to quadruple productivity, performance, and profitability, which aligns with the requirements for transforming national SME sectors for global competitiveness.
Global Reach and Impact: Expothon has been sharing insights with senior officials in around 100 countries, indicating a broad influence and the capability to initiate change on an international scale. Their focus has been on creating pragmatic solutions for economic uplift through SME sectors, which involves not just theoretical advice but actionable strategies.
Methodology and Deployment: The organization emphasizes the need for a systematic uplift of SMEs, proposing methodologies for digital transformation and increasing exportability. They advocate for a "National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism" where SMEs are digitized,
upskilled, and reskilled to meet global market demands, thereby enhancing their global presence.
Collaborative Networks: Their work involves engaging with various economic bodies, chambers of commerce, and trade associations, suggesting they have the network to influence policy and practice on a national level across different countries.
Execution and Results: The narrative around Expothon involves not just planning but also execution, with a focus on deployments that are "not new funding dependent" but rather "deployment hungry and execution starved". This mindset is crucial for practical, on-the-ground changes in SME sectors.
Cultural and Economic Understanding: Javed's background and experience, spanning from a family of small merchants in India to advising Fortune 500 companies, provide him with a unique perspective on grassroots economic development and large-scale corporate strategies, essential for bridging the gap between local SME needs and global market dynamics.
Therefore, for a nation or a group of nations looking to significantly enhance their SME sectors through national mobilization, upskilling, reskilling, and placing these entities on the global stage, Expothon Worldwide under Naseem Javed's leadership would be the leading team. Their track record and strategic approach make them particularly suitable for this transformative task.”
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