Systems are the foundations of any given society, influencing not just who may thrive or suffer, but also how many may thrive or suffer, including but beyond finance and wealth in general. The irony is: the worst systems of humans throughout history did yield some winners, so it is incredibly stupid or 'one-eye' to count only the number of winners, ignore studying the 'losers', and being opposed to what may be better in a world of evolution. A system will also have a direction, route, and speed that should be gauged by visionaries or people may buy excuses until the system crashes or God judges. Due to limited time and space, we will have to limit our examples and choose a few areas like government contracts, grants, and land .
Highlighting the problems is at least 25% demand for new direction or route, but suggesting solutions means deeper care and a risky bravery that can lead to submission or more fighting by the culprits. The world of injustices tends to have three groups with varying levels: The culprits, the victims, and the challenged. I think the first two are very self explanatory, but what is the third group or the challenged? The best in this group will say: I do not want to be among the culprits nor the victims, but will they at least educate the victims or suggest and even confront the culprits where need be? Remember if you were born in an evil system, you will likely accept it until what age or level of knowledge reaches you ? For example, during explicit slavery of blacks and whites as the most recent or most documented, a ten year old white master benefited and was very less likely to have even the capacity of understanding certain wrongs, let alone the courage and intelligence to fight such wrongs. Similarly, even a fifteen year old black boy may be subdued, by a guilty black mother or father, where resistance may be due... History reminds us how some white adults fought for black freedom while some of the house Negroes complied or brutally helped subdue resistors of wrong. So if physical wrongs which require mainly physical eyes and perhaps about five percent mental eyes can go on for centuries, then wrongs that require mental eyes and mental ears are certainly challenging to convince the mentally deaf, mentally blind, or where cowards choose to be dumb and/or censorship is applied with intimidation. Moral debt is worse than financial debt as inheritance against your children or other's children.
Human gullibility beyond African gullibility will allow not just mental cruelty, but may sometimes justify it. When you are told giving billions to billionaires as grants, or millions to millionaires will trickle down to the poor, then where are the maths or effects after decades or centuries? Are grants based on merits and shouldn't both grants and merits be designed to concur with conscience as much as possible? The purpose of the government should be to minimize abuse, not just physically, but also mentally. When the government chooses to partake in evil partnership against the poor, then the best of humans must rise to at least educate and 'summon' even God to act where need be. You pray to God for wants, but you also pray to God for Justice to be established on earth.
The world is largely led by the west and this is why any sane one looking for global changes cannot ignore them. It will be very difficult, but possible, to enact laws in the Gambia or Nigeria that no more grants to billionaires and millionaires. Their indoctrinated students will likely attack you. However, like Uruguay led the legalisation of cannabis before Canada and partial u.s, Ghana or even small Gambia can make solid arguments and laws that will ultimately effect changes in the u.s and worldwide. Due to news coverage too, giving u.s examples first will make more sense to most people more than Gambian examples.
Smart human beings must differentiate requirements from merits, and equal reasonable opportunities from merits. You can easily create unnecessary requirements with questionable justification to exclude a person, group, or even a state to claim 'merits'. Since Elon Musk is widely known to advocate for 'merit' based systems, then we should consider using him as an example.
The indebted u.s government giving 'billions of dollars' to space X as a grant is cruel and an insult to human intelligence, especially those who choose to play dumb and refuse to exercise ch.103. Claiming he can do it cheaper than Nasa is a fractional fact. First, we must classify this under research and development (R&D), which is often a reasonable gamble. Since the u.s government is not transparent enough and many journalists echo in vague terms, I do not know how many billions was given to Musk/SpaceX. So among the laws needed in every country should include listing every over million dollar grant/loan in details, to who and for what. Since many wrote billions, we can assume at least two billion dollars was taken from the poor and yet to be born Americans+ and given to the richest person under questionable negotiations.
Nasa is partly for knowledge in the trustocrazy branch of capitalism. Nasa took so many billions that many u.s leaders were reluctant to keep funding it. Let's privatize part of the work is fair argument. Trustocrazy should be based on knowledge or money, or both? Should we Trust Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, etc to give free money or grants from those who blindly trust us as politicians? We can give them excuses on why we give to 'who' and why it must be grant, not a special type of loan? It takes a genius, unpaid, to come up with the type of loan to use? Now, you see why billionaires and millionaires donate and hardly criticise sitting leaders. Trust and relationships gave Musk billions, not mere merits.
I Elon Musk will put four billions into spaceX for many reasons , but if the government gives me two more billions, then I will share information with them. I Bill Gates or xyz will put ten billions into xyz company, and if the government gives me one or ten billion dollars, then I will share information. Study how the government will determine who to give, but remember who you know matters, and even government estimates and assumptions are not always right. 'It must be grant, because if it fails, I do not want to pay Americans+ who gambled with me'? Ok! If it succeeds, can you and I pay another thousand dollars to access all the information and build what may help America and the world? One million Americans paying thousand dollars and ten million non-Americans paying two thousand or xyz dollars for knowledge is 'free' or too cheap, and capitalism supports only free money to billionaires and millionaires?
Are there solid terms for the willing public to benefit beside vague trickle down theory? Trump says: 'only America can do it', so put your reserve in dollars as trustocracy or we punish you is not intimidation but meritocracy and western civilisation or deceptocracy until when?
If the government loans you the cost of education as an individual, you may pass or fail to get even a job; so if the government loans spaceX two or more billions, they can repay if they make more in ten or hundred years, or a special committee can write-off all or part of the loan if they fail, but genuinely tried. Imagine two or more billion dollars as grant or loan will actually raise the worth and potential shares of Musk; then imagine making another ten billion dollars from your grant or loan through making a product, not service; then imagine another ten billion dollars through space travel service in two years time and the poor Americans have to pay taxes to pay that debt? No! May we be we will just tell you gullible young men you live in the best country, so join the military, we should attack/assassinate in Nigeria, South Africa, or xyz for refusing to use the dollar as reserve or xyz, all is meritocracy or western civilisation, or interest above conscience? The laws can be very clear and all billionaires repaying the billions or millions they took in grants can be retroactive or should it be from now on? Few billions from Musk to poor Americans or yet to be born ones is not injustice. Government taxes should not be to further enrich the richest in questionable ways, but governments in debt should even be a lot more careful.
Poorer governments like the Gambia are also blindly copying western governments. Fairly Reliable sources inform me a fairly rich Gambian received about five million dollars in grants for agriculture during president Yahya Jammeh's time. Where is the Gambian law or its funders for such grants? If the EU or China says it must be grant (not loan), then how can I or president Jammeh say no? Well, if the EU or China have the right to say we gave the Gambia xyz dollars for agriculture boosting, then can we at least demand anything more than million dollar or hundred thousand dollars should be documented as to 'who' on the internet? First let us contrast the efficiency of such grants: five million dollars is enough to give about five districts 'free water movement: drought resistant and year round farming for Africa... ' If they choose to uplift a trusted rich Gambian through grants, then how much Jammeh and others got through the grant versus if it was a loan? My point is they will give you tons of excuses why grants to rich folks must stay or loan is discrimination against rich folks, instead of how certain grants are the abuse of trying poor folks?
Like they vaguely claim the knowledge will trickle down to the poorest in the west, they claim that the rich Gambian will make ten or how much foreign exchange to be used on what may benefit mainly the rich? First, he must hire people, but which 'at least' minded journalists will argue 'at least' 300 workers are under-paid to buy land in how many decades? In the terms of agreement, should he make eight or ten million dollars, deceptocracy says his 'hard work' means paying back is bad, but his poor workers and the unemployed should pay taxes? They vaguely argue 'foreign exchange', but trustocracy means the terms cannot have conditions? The countless Africans+ who send their pregnant wives to give birth in the trusted u.s is different from that Gambian using 90% of that foreign currency in any country. Naivety and gullibility are dangerous at personal level, but worse at government level. Every country must push for better laws and transparency around grants.
Government contracts are much harder to scrutinize because almost every government contract must go through rich or fairly rich folks. If you want to be rich quickly, you can consider how to get government contracts or grants because they overpay for almost everything. If I tell the Gambian government I can address all compounds for three million dollars and later discover how I can do it for one million dollars, but they think it should cost at least ten million dollars, then they will consider me and you insane through trustocracy. Similarly is water availability, district or nationwide. Also when dealing with corrupt governments, you either add what to give them and face God later, or try to be rich without government, but remember you should help erase corruption or still face God on atom's weight of contribution or indifference as per ch.103 and 99?
Improving how governments allocate contracts is very complex and the average reader may be lost if we try. However, it is not meritocracy as many claim, but good and/or bad requirements, and who or what you know through insider information on requirements. Perhaps not setting all the requirements before company tendering may help. After submissions, how can a committee debate things like cost without checking the tenders, then if details matter, how can Dangote or Youssou Ndure tender details that show building a stadium with 10 or 90% hemp steel will be stronger and reduce the cost, but trusted Gigo or Torodo builders quoted stones and cement? No! I mean how many flying vehicles start ups could have thrived above Tesla if Elon Musk was forced to pay the over billion dollars 'grant' and used to help such folks? I would rather have a flying vehicle to work over space travel, but if old Biden loves train travel and control, then let us spend billions on trains until China or xyz makes drones or xyz for humans so affordable... Then we will argue tariffs or security concerns until God or the American people rise up? Contract me on systems+ and I assure you even a laborer should and can own a decent home within 2 to 5 years. They merit it and it is not free, just not the decades of trustocracy and deceptocracy as meritocracy... Remember, Elon Musk says 'Western Civilisation will die if divorced rich white women give billions to certain causes...' It also means if rich Arabs or xyz were of any good, they will donate generously for ihqrah (learning), uplifting the poor, etc. An Arab billionaire sadly said when he dies, he wants most of his wealth given to the poor. He cannot differentiate choice versus resort choice, nor the millions of Arabs remind him ch.63:10 to use conscience and help beyond faith and race...
Wow, I weaved the land as a bridge between contracts and land+? Well, land by itself is not enough, but it is a good example of the dangerous times we live in. Remember I told you: direction, route, and speed matter? What is the direction of land cost in your country, from 50, 10 or xyz years ago and 10 or 50 years time? The culprits and the indifferent will have excuses against the victims, but will God or even folks like me buy your excuses? What is the new route and speed to rescue humankind? Search and read' top four universal targets by Jarga kebba Gigo', land reforms, and others I am yet to detail. The problem with the world is we have arrogant, proud culprits and different types of guilty victims... Once you buy into a faulty system, you tend to just want to thrive or survive through the system, rather than try to change it. We were born into an imperfect world to improve or perfect it, not indifferently survive or worsen it.
Again, commander or criminal in chief Adama Barrow of the Gambia and Donald Trump hailed from the corrupt real estate world. They proudly made their riches through land+ and now indifferently gamble the poor instead of repenting sincerely? My point is God winning them over first is an easy test for my type, but any country or even a book and movie can be a seed towards winning a few countries and the whole world to submit or the resistors to face an uprising. I love God on direction and ideas, but I cannot hide I wish God improves his speed on conquering oppression and oppressors. However, we must understand that we humans must learn or learn the hard way if God is involved in certain ways. I have only love for even Barrow and Trump, but my love to uplift the poor and confront evil systems for the unborn children will always mean: learn or may God proportionately curse the resistors if it means good to come...
Besides the presidents, journalists must ask the ministers of Land+ on what plans they have or are willing to engage and contrast my type towards solutions. As said, it goes way beyond land, but it must include land reforms. The people, including the hard working laborer, deserve a decent home, not just land. Remember I also told you conscience is higher than your understanding of merits. So do not point to me the few teachers or laborers who own land, but how we should universally say: anyone who is ready to learn and work should at least own a decent home... The burden of proof should be on the governments, not the people, that everyone is given reasonable opportunity, not told to endlessly search for opportunities.
The devils always put interest above conscience, but God slowly defeated them. Remember when racial interest and racial superiority reigned in the Arabs and white world above 'guilty' blacks? When victims are educated and they rise enough, the anti-oppression Lord will help them. They said one gender is supreme or should focus on interest above conscience, but let victims resist. No! Now they said country, allies, or continent above conscience? Well, I am trying to love and help the poor Americans own homes more than Biden, Trump, Musk, Sanders, etc, but if any American thinks u.s interest is supreme over conscience, then they become guilty and deserve proportionate curse until they change? Why are humans so gullible to accept dangerous bribes? U.s interest bullshit! Country above party is a good direction, but fell short in my book. Country first, allies first, religion first and all your excuses I reject, and demand conscience first. Why do you humans want to be worse than Satan based on accusations? Satan reportedly loves his species, but humans are struggling to love even their fellow human species on reasonable sharing of land, knowledge, and other simple things? Then, some of you brag 'at least' he loves his family or country? No! We worship the universal Lord and demand universal love. Those who are indifferent to needs cannot claim love and we must confront them where we have power...
The guilty-victims start by buying into the mindset of the evil system. The guilty-victims can be rich or poor, but when offered new knowledge towards repentance will they resist, drag their feet, indifferently laugh, or join with what level of vigor? The time you bought the land is almost irrelevant, but how much you want to sell it will determine meritocracy or deceptocracy? Time is an excuse if it is one land and level of knowledge, but buying a lot of land as land hostage may be legal or partnership with evil governments? Then you said no poor person will marry you or get that land as in 68:17? Now you risk being charged with 'but you people neglect the poor', when setting or supporting systems? The verse may be primarily against the Arabs of that time, but secondarily to who and how are the Arabs of today? Do you think the blacks or whites of Today can neglect the poor on home ownership and not get Atom's weight judgement on sins between creatures? Do you sit around your table of heaven or fire as cabinet members, MPs, or a panel of journalists on TV+ to help or justify oppression of the poor? Then some of the poor buy or hang-on to their land more than they respect learning and working, or donating towards changing land policies. How many poor Gambians or xyz want to sell inherited or purchased small land for around ten years wages of a laborer who saves even 25% yearly income? We should not conform to evil systems with no plans of resisting it. What are your resistance plans and will you donate or give charity for better plans to be blessed and/or revealed in undeniable levels? Investing against the poor versus investing for the poor, including thinking, time, efforts, risk, etc? Some of you cannot even share such writings or call for national and global discussions on what can anger a caring Lord to worsen climate change? May God bless me and every trying soul, curse my enemies and potential enemies, and proportionately punish even my doubters who are not employing efforts like I do to uplift the poor and children they gambled. May God bless Showlove Trinity as the worldwide philosophy: let's learn, let's work, let's have fun.
By Jarga Kebba Gigo
An Activist and Transformer
Author of Juts Quhr-aahn.
Optional note:
Whereas our age is offering new opportunities for people to serve billions and rightly deserve billions, most billionaires inherit 'capital' in questionable capitalism. The very word capitalism or its practice reveals 'capital' matters greatly in their system. They also tend to capitalize on opportunities many poor folks cannot compete on, especially governments. Thirdly, the world of shares around trust and conscience play critical roles in riches.
If we study the riches of both Trump and Musk can reveal how people get richest. Whereas Musk came from a fairly humble level in riches compared to Trump, but the Musk family were how rich compared to other South Africans? That top one to ten percent in a country tends to help you access at least knowledge and connections, which catapult Musk. If you count how many billions Musk made through grants, then through government contracts, which are often questionable. Recently, his 'smart' donations to Trump and which merits raise his wealth after the elections? Trustocracy! Money seeking Americans and folks around the world bought his shares by assuming more government grants and contracts will come his way. So trust from government plus connections make him millions, and trust from people who know more government trust is coming his way...
In the case of Trump, his casino business is not for many conscientious folks. His wealth on even winning millions through the courts are all meritocracy? No! The west chooses commercialisation of many things, including health, land, sex, and even the justice system. The real estate business is an area where many conscientious folks cannot consider. I happen to be a verifiable great salesperson, but I cannot enter the Gambia's real estate business, because my conscience will not allow me. I do not know all what Jesus (pbuh) saw when he almost condemned all rich folks, but our age seems much worse. I do not think billionaires who offer to pay more taxes are good enough, because the systematic problems are way deeper than temporal monies to the government. I do appreciate philanthropists, but again trying to study the systems deeply and setting examples in theory and practice would have helped much more. For example, Bill Gates, Bezos' ex-wife, Buffet, the countless Arab billionaires could have chosen projects like 'free water movement: drought resistant and year round farming for Africa' in few countries, help them to have food surplus and court others to replicate in other countries. It does not even have to be free, but getting it done matters most.
First we had politicians partnering with rich folks in questionable ways, but now rich folks are rising to the top for self or fellow trusted billionaires. If there are good billionaires, let them seek office, but systems matter above who sits. So using your billions and consistent truth can help you become bigger than 'president Musk' is trying to be world president?
Education is a big chunk of the team of winners. Although Musk having daily access to X matter, even a few movies and books can raise truth to a level where millions can always use truth to subdue lies from the most followers. The mere fact that Musk fears the financial rise of some may kill western civilisation or deceptions further cements why they censor and sanction my type. In the end, God is the one who can help or harm us more than they can, God can facilitate good beyond words, but our task to confront evil ways and evil folks is already thanks to God and our responsibility to carry, not wait for God. So let us do our part and patiently wait. May the happiness I receive never ends and may I never envy any millionaire or billionaire. May I also never fear any government or any spirit, and to forever get rising blessings.