
The Hidden Epidemic: Is Parental Stress A Public Health Issue In Ghana Too?

By Dr. Hephzibah Okyere-Mensah
Article The Hidden Epidemic:  Is Parental Stress A Public Health Issue In Ghana Too?
MON, 13 JAN 2025

What’s The Big Deal?
In a rapidly evolving world where everyone is racing to keep up with the latest trends and maintain a competitive edge in education, industry, and technology, it's no surprise that parental stress has become a common issue. Recently, parental stress has emerged as a major public health concern in the United States.

A recent study has indicated that 30% of parents experienced high-stress levels relative to 20% of other adults. Alarmingly, 41% of parents admitted to feeling so overwhelmed on most days that it hindered their ability to function. Meanwhile, in Ghana, there is a significant lack of documented data regarding the prevalence of parental stress.

Why Parental Stress?
The pervasive 'Culture of Comparison' on social media, especially regarding milestones, parenting, and accomplishments, has made many parents feel exhausted and constantly inadequate. Striving to be seen as the 'ideal parent' can be overwhelming. Conversely, I prioritize progress in my parenting journey over the unrealistic goal of being a flawless parent to my children.

The pressures of work and childcare both play significant roles in increasing parental stress. Today, parents invest more hours in their jobs than in the early 1980s, while committing additional time each week to childcare responsibilities. The quest for financial security, worries about children's health and safety, the challenge of overseeing children’s use of technology and social media, societal expectations, and the aspiration for a bright future for their kids compel parents to step beyond their comfort zones in search of an equilibrium between their professional and parental roles.

Dr Murthy, a US Surgeon and father of two, emphasizes that “The work of parenting is essential not only for the health of children but the health of the society.” However, many parents feel they lack the communal and societal support necessary for effective parenting. The responsibility of nurturing healthy and responsible children falls heavily on parents, with little assistance from the government, policymakers, or business leaders. In Ghana, the situation is particularly challenging, as there are only a few parental support groups, no paid sick leave for caring for children, and no government-funded childcare programs. Additionally, many organizations do not provide childcare facilities for working nursing mothers.

Impact Of Parental Stress
Research has consistently shown that the well-being of parents and caregivers plays a crucial role in the overall well-being of their children. The impact of parental stress can start even before birth. For instance, one study found that babies born to stressed mothers faced a higher risk of complications, including premature birth and low birth weight, which may increase the likelihood of chronic health issues later in life.

Additionally, another study revealed a significant link between maternal stress and diminished brain activity in infants. When parents experience stress, they are unable to provide a supportive and nurturing environment, which can result in developmental delays for their children. This stress can also manifest in behavioural challenges, including aggression, social withdrawal, and anxiety in children.

The long-term consequences of this will be the upbringing of children who carry emotional scars and mental health issues, ultimately hindering their ability to contribute positively to society and affecting the nation’s social and economic landscape.

What Can We Do?
While the signs of parental stress might not be immediately obvious, its consequences can be profoundly damaging.

Parental Role
Parents need to recognize that the challenges of raising children shouldn't rest on one person's shoulders alone. By building a supportive network of friends, family, and acquaintances, they can lean on trustworthy individuals when they need help.

Parents should access online support groups where they can connect with others in similar situations. These platforms provide an opportunity to share experiences, gain insights, and find motivation to persevere. Members can freely talk about their challenges and receive valuable assistance from fellow parents.

The Role of the Community
It is essential for traditional and political leaders, along with other key stakeholders, to join forces in offering support services and forming groups aimed at alleviating parental stress. Creating a space where parents can openly discuss their concerns and fears will help them feel less isolated on their journey, while also allowing them to gain encouragement and insights from fellow parents

Government and Employers’ Role

There is a need to roll out state-funded childcare assistance programs across the country. These programs should provide subsidized childcare and offer financial and logistical support to low-income families. The government should prioritize bolstering current poverty reduction strategies, including the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty initiative to provide financial cushioning for eligible parents. Additionally, both state and private sector leaders should explore incorporating childcare facilities within the workplace design to create a supportive environment for parents to tend to sick children and breastfeed.

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