
When the wise refuse to participate in elections

Feature Article When the wise refuse to participate in elections
SUN, 15 DEC 2024

To those Ghanaians who refused to go to the polls to vote for a reason or other, please hear ye what is in store for you. It would have been better for you to go and cast your vote for your favourite candidate or your enemy than to completely stay away from the polls.

It is said, “during an election, if the wise people decide not to vote, the fools will go to the polls, vote to elect a fool who will come and rule both the wise and the fools”.

This saying is better explained and amplified by Greek philosopher Plato. He said, “One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors".

It is better to have a say than to choose to remain silent, only to make complaints later.

During the recent past Ghana general elections held on Saturday, 7 December 2024, most people for a reason or the other, refused to go to the polls to vote. However, the elections went on as scheduled and the promiser of 24-hour economy was elected.

The writer has no qualms with those who voted for, or against, one candidate or the other but those who refused to participate in the polls but are soon going to run their chirping mouth making unnecessary complaints.

The writer prays that for the sake of Ghana and the collective interests of the people, all goes well with the incoming NDC president and government.

He expects the incoming NDC administration to tackle the galamsey issue head-on. He expects the government to address the issues of the depreciating Cedi, unemployment, lawlessness, and official corruption in Ghana without making any excuses.

While the government will set about solving those problems, regardless of the pace it takes, those people who did not participate in the elections because they were wise, should please not complain if things don’t go their way for Plato has said it all. centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ.

Just think about it, all ye wise people who refused to cast their vote during election 2024.

May we all enjoy or suffer together.

Rockson Adofo
Rockson Adofo, © 2024

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