The future is all about values before instruments, rules, and regulations. The definition of values sets guidance for people to follow and when diverting from them to find a way back to their inner core. Buddhist Mantras, the Bible, or the Quran are written value definitions.
When man was created he had to stand up for himself with no values given or discussed. Survival was key and reliance on someone's instincts and strength. As the number of humans grew and time was at hand to develop artistic products cultures were formed and shaped to bring out ideas of cooperation between small families, groups, and tribes.
Based on expectations and personal differences people put power structures in place that demanded for values as their bottom base. Communities and smaller societies were divided into leaders and common people. A hierarchy was created and values of power were given to various groups of men.
As humans grew in numbers the pressure was on to ask the universe for universal values to guide them. The books from God, Allah, and later Buddha were given to them setting people free from witchcraft or native religion. Subsequently, human values were defined by religious and royal leaders. The French Revolution finally described universal human values as Human Rights generations later the essence of the UN Human Rights Charta.
The ideas of Capitalism took center stage during the time of Calvin, Maquavelli, the Medicis, and Fuggers while the Age of Enlightenment paved the way for Communism and the counter-revolution Fascism. As economies grew stronger and societies more sophisticated in their power, cultural and social setup values were voiced by minority groups to be heard as well. In line with this development, the solidarity of the citizens drifted apart causing in the young generation questions and with it the need for answers.
Developed countries offer citizens the comfort of a social protective system while underdeveloped countries make their citizens run for a government job and fight for survival. Their security and focus are on raising many children not on the brighter future of unborn generations in one, two, or three hundred years to come.
While citizens of developed nations rest in their value system seeking to shift equality into their corner not any more hungry for more or others the rest of the world tries to survive as possible as they can.
The past is gone but the future is coming. Scientists, Entrepreneurs, Engineers, and even Philosophers and Politicians describe the possible scenarios of the future in the next fifty years after which most of them will have died. They do not see the need to think any further. What is lacking in all of them is the basis for any human development: the definition of values. Today's values and people of now: are they capable of handling the future?
It seems we will enter another Renaissance period where we remember and embrace the values of our beginning: everyone is first and foremost responsible for himself not the circumstances of his upbringing or the reality of societies everyone is a part of. The number of people around us makes the new setup of values a challenge but the pieces of the past will help us to find the new road ahead. Adults can make it without pampers.