
Mahama; Our President Again (MOPA)

Feature Article Mahama; Our President Again (MOPA)
MON, 11 NOV 2024

Here in Ghana, even the quality of sex is now tainted with statistics that the level of HIV infections is now at scary high levels. Nothing is working under the 2nd term of NPP administration. Either condoms are unaffordable or unavailable.

Indeed NEBUCHADNEZER, the ancient ruler of BABYLON is here.

Reincarnated and sent to us from Modern-Ghana’s BABYLON (Akyem Kyebi).

Both with a strange fondness for idolatry Statues; The ancient preferring Bronze, the current tainted gold/copper.

Ideally one could find comfort in the akan adage “Nom Nsuo Twen Op3” to wit (Drink water whiles awaiting the Harmattan Season).

Except Our water bodies are now undrinkable. Bush meats like grasscutters, a unique delicacy for those with an acquired taste cannot be eaten without imbibing poisonous chemicals.

A country with no jobs being created. A country with no credible functional institution.

Even the potency and quality of the country’s spirituality is tainted. The churches, mosques and shrines are now open-air Auction hubs.

Salvation (if there ever was such a thing) has been replaced with ovations.

The once feared gods are now impotent from contamination.

The embodiment of the garbage is found in the Accra suburb of Ridge where the world’s most expensive swimming pool is located (National Cathedral)

Pensioners with their funds locked up by the government in DDEP are dying.

But Dr. Bawumia and the NPP presidential ticket want us to wait for Heaven.

Change is Coming; December 7th is around the Corner.

John Mahama, Our Former President Is Coming Again.

To Reset, Re-Energize and Restore.
May the Almighty Protect Us All. GYE- NYAME!

By Fiifi Ofori

Fiifi Ofori
Fiifi Ofori, © 2024

This Author has 52 publications here on modernghana.comColumn: Fiifi Ofori

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