"Mr. Heerde, I can not come to your classes so often as with some others from the class, we have set up our start-up for AI. In Germany, I noticed banks and business angles prefer that a university graduate be part of the venture so we have one now." Student Charles, 22 years old (name changed due to privacy regulations).
Education is key to the success of a vibrant nation. Every country has found its own way to address the challenges of raising great individuals equipped with the sense to care for others and the community as much as developing the nation on all fronts. Education is a social tool to shape the character of people, bring out the best in them, and allow the individual to live a happy life to taste. To become and be mature citizens education helps with a broad range of information and subjects to pave the way for future jobs, the capability of lifelong learning, and the mindset to adapt to a progressive and changed environment.
Some individuals are practical, others are artistically, socially, or intellectually talented based on their background or inner self-drive and motivation to excel in life and separate themselves from the negative effects of family life.
Various forms of education e.g. Waldorf Schools try to address individual needs and possibilities with the expectations of society. Around the world, the observation is clear Billions of lives are lost. Pupils in government care need to learn subjects worth nothing in their later life neither as information nor as the capability of thinking in a certain manner. Ending A-level pupils have forgotten approx. 80% of what they had learned. Their way of thinking systematically and right remains for them only in those subjects they all along were strong at and interested in during their times at school.
Old traditional educationalists argue today's generation lacks the orientation of their future no longer necessarily stepping into the family's traditional shoes and that the society needs citizens with a broad humanistic approach that requires a wide spectrum of information and subjects. They further argue a society is lost when "Specialist Ideots" run a nation highly educated in their areas of interest but dum to connect the society like a spider net. Education has gone through various phases in history to reach its current level while the requirements of society have reached a different level.
These arguments can seriously not be used to avoid setting the conditions based on which at an early age most pupils know the directions of their lives and at a later stage benefit from an open educational system. In my entire adult life maths, physics, biology, arts and culture, or chemistry were never needed to understand the world and get around time. Politics and History, entrepreneurship, and skills to be a better author and communicator would have benefitted me immensely and pushed me to greater heights. Like Billions around the world, I lost precious time never to come back.
African societies in their race to prove their colonial masters were wrong in so many ways have as copycats without deeper thinking adopted the white men's system of education. They too still waste human lives. Army uniforms, army drills, judges with fake white hair, police force uniforms, leaders preferring suits over traditional dresses...God's heart is crying for Africa! Amen.