
187 beneficiaries of productive inclusion activities of GPSNP benefit from GHS400,000 mini market in Dormaa East

By Linda Osei-Fobi || ISD Dormaa East District
Regional News 187 beneficiaries of productive inclusion activities of GPSNP benefit from GHS400,000 mini market in Dormaa East
TUE, 11 JUN 2024

The Ghana Productive Safety Net Project (GPSNP), in collaboration with the Dormaa East District Assembly (DEDA), organized a mini market on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

This event was for beneficiaries of the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) and Labour-Intensive Public Work (LIPW) programmes.

The mini market featured various farm inputs and business-related equipment for sale, enabling beneficiaries to purchase the necessary logistics to start and sustain their enterprises. This followed intensive training in vocational skills, business management, and micro-enterprise life skills.

Implemented by the GPSNP under its Productive Inclusion components, the initiative aligns with the Ghana Social Opportunity Project (GSOP), which aims to improve the livelihoods of poor and vulnerable households through skill training in income-generating activities and startup cash grants.

The project assists poor households in establishing sustainable income-generating enterprises. A total of 417,450 Ghana Cedis (GHS 417,450.00) was distributed to 187 beneficiaries as the first tranche of startup cash grants following their training. This group included seven individuals trained in beekeeping, 67 in soap making, three in mushroom production, and 110 in vegetable farming. A second tranche of 80,875 Ghana Cedis (GHS 80,875.00) will be disbursed based on the progress of their ventures.

The funds cover raw materials, production, and processing tools, with items available for purchase at the mini market. Beneficiaries, identified through a community-based selection process, receive training in their chosen income-generating activities from a list provided by a project zonal officer.

As part of the project, beneficiaries use funds to procure necessary items from project-identified vendors at the mini market. After cashing out with their e-zwich cards, they immediately purchase and receive their items. The initiative also includes mentorship and coaching.

Dormaa East District Chief Executive, Hon. Emmanuel Kofi Agyeman, highlighted that this initiative is part of the government's efforts to reduce poverty by creating income-earning opportunities in small communities. He expressed optimism that the project will boost economic growth in the district and the country and urged beneficiaries to support the government's poverty alleviation efforts.

Mr. Desmond Duametu, the project manager for Productive Inclusion (PI), representing the GPSNP and the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization, and Rural Development (MLGRD), encouraged beneficiaries to diligently grow their enterprises to become self-sufficient and support their dependents, thus allowing others in need to benefit. He promised to extend the project if the initial recipients succeed.

Some soap-making beneficiaries expressed their joy and gratitude to the government for the empowerment opportunity.

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