Thu, 07 Mar 2024 Feature Article

7 reasons why Neo-colonialism is equal to In (Dependence)

7 reasons why Neo-colonialism is equal to In (Dependence)

“Colonialism and its attitudes die hard, like the attitudes of slavery, whose hangover still dominates behaviour in certain parts of the Western hemisphere. Before slavery was practised in the New World, there was no special denigration of Africans. Travellers to this continent described the inhabitants in their records with natural curiosity and examination to be expected of individuals coming from different environments. It was when slave trade and slavery began to develop ghastly proportions that made them the base of that capital accumulation which assisted the rise of Western industrialism, that a new attitude towards Africans emerged. 'Slavery in the Caribbean has been too narrowly identified with the man of colour. A racial twist has thereby been given to what is basically an economic phenomenon. Slavery was not born of racism, rather racism was the consequence of slavery.' With this racial twist was invented the myth of colour inferiority. This myth supported the the subsequent rape of our continent with its despoliation and continuing exploitation under the advanced forms of colonialism and imperialism.” ---------Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

The joy of independence is to be free from all forms of influence and have ability take one`s own decisions without fear. Sadly, in many parts of Africa, poor leadership has deprived natives of freedom and independence as colonial powers continue to dictate economically, culturally, politically and many other ways to derail our unique progress. There are many repercussions to such as outlined below:

1. Economic Exploitation : Neo-colonialism involves developed countries exploiting the resources and economies of developing nations for their own benefit. This can lead to dependency on these countries for trade and economic growth, hindering the development of self-sustaining economies in the dependent nations.

2. Political Influence : Neo-colonialism often involves powerful countries exerting political influence over less powerful nations, which can limit their ability to make independent decisions and maintain sovereignty.

3. Cultural Dominance : The influence of Western culture, language, and values can be seen in many aspects of society in developing countries, which can hinder the development of unique and diverse cultures in these nations.

4. Unequal Global Trade : Neo-colonialism can perpetuate an unequal global trade system, where developed countries benefit from unfair trade practices and exploitative labor conditions in developing countries.

5. Debt Trap : Developing countries may fall into a debt trap due to loans from developed nations, which can lead to dependency on these countries for financial assistance and further economic exploitation.

6. Lack of Self - Determination : Neo-colonialism can limit the ability of developing countries to determine their own future and make decisions that are in their best interest, leading to a lack of self-determination and autonomy.

7. Environmental Concerns : Neo-colonial practices may involve the exploitation of natural resources without regard for the environment, leading to ecological damage and further dependency on external assistance for recovery and sustainable development.

The best way to break the shackles of neo-colonialism is to have selfless, transformational and transgenerational leaders who have only one thing on their minds. Africa`s progress and development handled by their own people.

Ebenezer Asumang
[Writer & Author]
[email protected]

Ebenezer Asumang
Ebenezer Asumang, © 2024

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