The Member of Parliament for Dafiama Bussie Issa honorable Dr Sebastian Sandare has handed over a renovated bungalow to serve as a residence for the Issa Polyclinic.
This is part of measures to ensure quality health delivery within Daffiama Bussie Issa (DBI) Constituency. The Member of Parliament for the area, Hon. Dr. Sebastian Sandaare on Friday, January 12, 2024, handed over a renovated bungalow to the Issa Poly-Clinic for the facility’s resident medical doctor.
Speaking after the handing over ceremony, Hon. Dr. Sebastian Sandaare bemoans the absence of a befitting residence for the newly posted medical doctor to the Issa Poly-Clinic saying that, the doctor who has been at post for the past four months, shuttles between Wa the regional capital of the Upper West Region and Issa on daily basis, to attend to patients every day because there is no accommodation for him within the district.
Dr Sandaare said to ensure quality health delivery within the district, it is important for the issa poly clinic medical doctor to be resident in the community so that he can attend to patients at all times. This according to him is the reason for his intervention to renovate and furnish a bungalow for the medical doctor when the facility called on him to assist them get a befitting residence for their medical doctor.
The Member of DBI Parliament emphasized that he is ever ready at any time to ensure that DBI district attains a universal health coverage status hence, his numerous interventions towards quality health care delivery within the district.
Highlighting some of these interventions in the health sector, Dr Sandaare said that so far he has donated several health equipment among which includes a blood bank fridge to the Issa Poly-Clinic.
According to him he also organized a free health screening across the constituency to identify surgical and other health problems of the constituents the outcome of which about fifty (50) people underwent different forms of surgical operations.
Meanwhile, Dr. Sandaare also paid a sightseeing visit to the newly constructed National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) district office situated at Issa which has been constructed through his lobbying in his capacity as a member of the health committee in parliament.
According to the DBI lawmaker, the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) in the 2018 budget year proposed the construction of ten NHIS offices across the country for districts without NHIS offices hence and it took his lobbying skills to have one of the ten NHIS offices constructed in his constituency.
He thanked the Chief Executive Officer and the Board Chairman of NHIA for accepting his proposal to construct one of the NHIA offices in the DBI Constituency.