Dear critical-reader, Ghanaians must vote wisely in the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections, if Ghanaian democracy is to survive in the longterm. The bald truth is that the future of Ghanaian democracy will hinge mainly on the strength of character, of the candidate elected to lead our nation, in the 2024 presidential elections.
He or she must be able to provide wise leadership that will unite Ghanaians, and offer his team of able ministers, who will form his government of national unity, focused strong leadership that will help get our nation out of the morass of despondency now stymying its transformation, which is one of the most destructive effects of bankruptcy, as it happens, Ghanafuor. Hmmm, 3y3nsem piiii, oooo...
Discipline must be instilled in all Ghanaians, a difficult people to lead, despite their peaceful nature, if their nation is to be successfully transformed into a prosperous and equitable society.
We will need to take cognisance of the fact that in the entirety of human history, no nation has prospered, without its populace being disciplined, and having a sense of unity of purpose, oooo, Ghanafuor. Yoooooooo...
Whatever be the case, dear critical-reader, if the elected successor to the current President consolidates his or her hold on power, after being sworn into office in January, 2025, and it eventually becomes obvious to the vast majority of Ghanaians after that, that the varied-cohorts of ruthless big-thieves-in-high-places, who have engaged in acts of ruinous-egregious-corruption, and have successfully dominated our system, regardless of which ruling party has governed our country, since the 4th Republic came into being in 1992 (right up to and throughout the Akufo-Addo era inclusive), will be getting away scot fre with looting Mother Ghana, then a revolution that will ensure retribution against all such persons, and redistributes their stolen wealth after nationalisation of same, will be on the cards, for sure, oooo. Yooooooo...
When the first stirrings of discontent begin, and gradually spread across the entire landmass of the sovereign territory of our Republic, no military force in the world, will be able to stop the nationwide street protests that will bring about that June 4th,1979-type people-power-revolution.
That is why as wise and aspirational Africans, we must aim to ensure that our country becomes a meritocracy that is a nation of laws in which no one is above the law, and all are equal before the law. As sure as day follows night, Ghana will never progress and prosper, if our laws aren't enforced strictly, and rigidlly, without fear or favour, regardless of the societal status of those who break them. Full stop. Case closed. Yoooooooo...
Consequently, dear critical-reader,the next elected President of Ghana, must therefore ensure that the nation-building guiding-ethos of strict enforcement of our laws, in rigid fashion, is infused into the entire superstructure of our system, after he or she is sworn into office, in January, 2025, oooo, Ghanafuor, if we are to end the public procurement rent-seeking state-capture wheeler-dealing thievery, which has resulted in elite grand-larceny that has bankrupted our homeland Ghana@midernghana
Seldom has the need for wise, truly honest and selfless leadership, been so critical for our nation than now, oooo, Ghanafuor. We must therefore vote wisely in the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections for that reason, oooo, Ghanafuor. Yoooooooo...