Has the arrogance, unparalleled greed and insensitivity of those who now dominate our system, made an iteration of the events of June 4th 1979, a certainty, in our homeland Ghana, today, anaaaa, Ghanafuor? Hmmm, 3y3nsem piiiii, oooo, Ghanafuor. Yoooooooo...
In that light, perhaps the key lesson that future governments-of-the-day, in Ghana, ought to learn (from the inability of members of the current government to properly gauge the real mood of ordinary people across the country), is to ensure that world-class professionalism, bedrocks our security agencies, at all material times, oooo, Ghanafuor. Yooooooo...
If those who dominate any nation's system in Africa, jam-pack its secret services with party foot soldiers, as a jobs for the boys move - to placate those who miss out on the sharing of state-capture benefits, which flow from Machiavellian pork-barrel-politricks - the possibility of the leadership losing touch with the concerns of common people, because they inhabit a luxurious bubble-of-comfort, becomes a certainty: making the possibility of enforced regime-change, a question of when, not if, ooooo, Ghanafuor. Yooooooo...
The question a wise and aspirational African people ought to ponder over is: What serious country, anywhere in our biosphere, will tolerate the continued stay in office, of a finance minister who more or less destroyed the national economy, by piling up a gargantuan metaphorical debt-mountain, dear critical-reader?
Ken Ofori-Atta's continued stay in office, as Ghana's finance minister, illustrates perfectly, the total lack of respect for ordinary people, which characterises the current regime. The arrogance, unparalleled greed and insensitivity of those who now dominate our system, has made an iteration of the events of June 4th 1979, a certainty, ooooo, Ghanafuor. Yoooooooo...