21.11.2022 Article

A Dithyramb for the irreligious

By Dr. Samuel Adjei Sarfo, Esq.
A Dithyramb for the irreligious
21.11.2022 LISTEN

Nobody can be religious and wise or righteous at the same time. This is because religion is by nature via faith and belief, whereas wisdom is by dint of skepticism and analyses and questioning or cognitive reflections, qualities that are repudiated by the religious construct.

Religion, whether Christianity or Islam or Judaism or any of their nuances and manifestations, is also the defenestration of the brain power and its substitution with nonsense as its mainstay for salvation. Religion broaches no questions, no doubts, no queries, no rationality, no analyses…….

The worship of God is therefore any of the stupidities in which one can engage in the belief that one is worshipping God: Burning animals and humans, killing people, spewing gibberish, immolating the self, starving the self, contorting the self, screaming in hysteria, stomping hard on the ground, shouting out loud, singing in praise, sitting still like a stone, running in circles, flaying the self, barking like a dog, sacrificing children, splitting open the entrails of virgins to foretell the future, engaging in magical tricks, mooing and bowing, scraping like a leech, paying money to others for no service done………

If you even split open a pregnant woman and extract her baby and throw it against a wall in the belief that you are worshipping God, so be it! The worship of God is therefore everything in stupidity but nothing in rationality. Once you apply the faculty of the mind, this fact becomes manifest. That is why the first thing the religious leaders urge you to do is to jettison your mind and to operate with a tabular rasa….believe and have faith without thinking.

Our dilemma in this world is not so much that we are always fed with lies, but that even those who claim to teach us the path of truth feed us with only the partial truth: Their truths are beautifully colored black all the way until it suddenly turns white at the very end, like the excrement of the Agama lizard. These teachers are more dangerous than those feeding us with outright lies because like confidence tricksters, they first gain our confidence and later lead us into an abyss. For example, one such person will criticize another person’s religion all with the aim of substituting that religion with the lies of another religion. Meanwhile, all religions are lies. Another condemns the fakery of western religion while trying to substitute this with the superstition of an African traditional religion. But all religions are lies, no matter whether they are Western, Eastern or African. Another may even condemn all religions while alleging that only black folks are deceived by it. That is some truth appended with a lie.

So we are a confused lot, being made to substitute one lie for another and being led to go in circles with no guide to lead us to the unalloyed truth. But the unalloyed truth is that there is no God. And so any reference made of him in any context of worship is a falsity and a nullity, purposed to weaken one’s mind and to make one a victim of manipulation with the sole aim of depriving one of one’s money and power. Of this there is no shred of doubt: Wherever God’s name is mentioned, the worshippers are being deceived and ripped off. Their minds are being manipulated and destroyed. They are being persuaded to jettison their mental capacities. Their reasoning and logic are being infested with a deadly virus and being weaponized for their self-extinction; and they are being turned into lobotomized idiots who will do anything for the religious leaders: Waste money, expose themselves to be abused and violated, harm themselves and others and even lick spittle and inhale fart as their articles of faith. Women are raped and bathed and told to expose themselves and be violated in ways in which these people will not permit their partners to do to them. They are being depersonalized into sheep and led to the slaughter to feed the predators who have turned themselves into the Ministers of God…..

If you study the various Gods that have existed in this world and how they were disposed of with time, you get to know that we are all part of a grand charade in which we are presented with an ephemeral God who will soon phase out of fashion and be created and recreated to fit the mood and predilections of the times. In the past, there was much burning of humans, sheep and cows for God to inhale their sweet aroma as they burn. Pregnant women were cut open as acts of pacification to mollify the godhead. Others were impaled and disemboweled so that the color of their spleens will inform the people of their fate and fortunes in warfare. Others were boiled in cauldrons of oil as their punishment for raising any doubts or objections against the established faith. Much genocide of populations occurred to pacify God as per his presumed commandment to kill everything that breathes in the land of the enemies.

The high priests demanded that many heads accompanied our departed kings. Captives and enslaved people were raped and slaughtered upon the holy altar of God. And many were burned alive because they dared to have an opinion and to attempt to propagate it. Common ailments were ascribed to witches and innocent blood of victims shed in vain rituals and therapies concocted by these men of God.

Religious goons, in order to please God, engaged in the cruelest and most unusual kinds of punishments of those opposed to their worldview. Some were buried alive. Some were entombed in hollow caves with bread and water and left to die slowly. Many were slowly burned to death or pressed with stones until they were squeezed to death. Some were brutally slaughtered on the battlefield and their lands and property stolen all in the name of God. War and warfare were promulgated by God to punish those worshipping different Gods. The conscience of those who would worship their God was seared to commit the greatest evils to show their commitment and devotion to their God. In the name of God, it was demanded of the people to surrender their wealth and resources to the God. The God demanded everything: As part of their worship, their first born, their virgin daughters, their gold and ornaments, their very lives were all sacrificed to please an insatiable God…….

In turn, the God did nothing for them. It was uttered in the Bible hundreds of times that God liberated the people of Israel from a bondage in Egypt, only for it to turn out that he killed over two million of them in the wilderness and saved only two: Joshua and Caleb. He always killed them like rats before explaining the reasons for their deaths. And they were made to take the blame for their known and unknown afflictions: No matter what they did, God always ascribed their troubles to their own sins, and set them up for failure, giving them edicts that were useless and tasks that were impossible.

Fiction is the food of all religions, not any action or substance. The actions and miracles are always in the obscure past, done before ancient and superstitious people with no known education or scientific thinking. People who never had light or shelter or food or clothing and who hallucinated their own miracles and wonders, and who dreamed according to their consumption of psychedelic plants, cocaine, weed, coca leaves and other hallucinogenic barbiturates.......

The context of the religious phenomenology is always the abolishment of thinking and reasoning and the complete surrender of the self to mental manipulation and physical abuse. It is the period of taboo for questioning and the incineration of personal interests in the catacombs of one individual who teaches all others of the ways of God. When listening to these so-called prophets, one is unable to distinguish between their own voices from the voice of God, since the two are conjoined in unison of choice, manipulations, and opportunism. The people are to listen and obey as one monolithic entity, serving the wishes of their religious leaders and behaving as a captive people to serve his demands and commands even up to their miserable deaths. The Israelites began with a fake liberation from slavery from Egypt and ended up with a worse fate in the wilderness where they perished in droves. They were a people bound from one captivity to another throughout history, where they were marked for destruction and humiliation in many lands.

So what is the attraction of religion? And what has it done for anybody except those who intelligently designed it as a tool of exploitation, and their living cronies who have daily profited thereby? Where is the salvation that was promised long ago? Where is the kingdom to come?

The abandonment of thinking is the giving up of the self for total manipulation, exploitation and annihilation. And religion is the method by which one’s trust is abused and one’s resources confiscated, wasted and depleted. To believe is to surrender the self for extinction, to give the green light for one’s own self destruction.

It follows that to repudiate religion is the testament for the enlightened life, and to reject the ruse of faith is to reach out for true freedom, to understand life as is, to protect yourself and to begin to live a fulfilling life. Do not be deceived, for the greatest evil existing is this religious faith that sits on your mind and money.

Dr. Samuel Adjei Sarfo, Esq.

Austin, Texas, USA.
