23.08.2022 Feature Article

University Of Ilésà: Echoes Of John F. Kennedy -Be A Part Of A Great Legacy

University Of Ils: Echoes Of John F. Kennedy -Be A Part Of A Great Legacy
23.08.2022 LISTEN

Everyone is invited to be part of History. Everyone is encouraged to chip in something for the next generation. You are all invited to build a new heritage. Please come and join the efforts to build a legacy for the coming generation.

In building this beautiful legacy, we are following the examples of our forefathers. We are edifying our heritage. We are glorifying our History. We are creating new examples for those coming behind us to behold, and to follow.

We are here today, to celebrate a big accomplishment and simultaneously, lay the foundation of a beautiful future, through commitment to building what would eventually, be one of the best Universities in the world, THE UNIVERSITY OF ILÉSÀ.

In the mould of John F Kennedy, we dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that great Ìjèsà Kingdom. We are the inheritors of greatness. Greatness of men who were courageous and adventurous. Owá Àtàkúmòsà (1526 - 1546), made great sacrifices to expand and consolidate the space of Ìjèsà land, more than any Owá in history. He did his own bit.

It is now our turn.

Bob Marley also insisted that "In this great future, you can't forget your past." Yes, because the past provides the standard for measurements. The past shows us what we must surpass. It shows us how to be greater. In the days of yore, the sky used to be the limit. But nowadays, the penetration of the heavens is the ultimate.

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friends and foes alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Ìjèsà - tempered by denial, disciplined by a hard and bitter striving, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to continue to witness or permit the stagnancy of development of our land.

By our contribution to this legacy project, we are manifesting our determination to change the extant negative narrative to a positive one. We must show our commitment by donating to the UNIVERSITY OF ILÉSÀ DEVELOPMENT FUND. All of us, today at home, and around the world, must be part of this.

Like President Kennedy pointed out, we are also making it clear to "those people in the huts and villages" all over Ìjèsà land, "struggling to break the bonds of mass misery," want, need and longing, that we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, because it is the right thing to do. This University, would be the vehicle for new dreams and new hopes, all definitely, within our grasp.

In your hands, fellow Ìjèsà compatriots, will rest the final success or failure of this project - The University of Ilésà.

Since time immemorial, each generation of Ìjèsà has been summoned to give testimony to its loyalty to the survival of Ìjèsà kingdom. It is the turn of our generation to do same. Be part of it. Join the efforts to build a new legacy.

Once again, to echo John Kennedy, the trumpet is summoning us again--to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"--a struggle against the common enemies of man: docility, inertia, indifference, aridity of imagination and laggardness.

Let us all be part of this History making epoch.

*By Rèmí Oyèyemí©*

*Omo Owá, Omo Ekùn.*
