20.08.2022 Feature Article

The Word Of God And Prayer

The Word Of God And Prayer
20.08.2022 LISTEN

You are right. Some churches put more emphasis on prayer than the study of the Word of God. Some on the other hand, put more stress on the study of the Word than prayer. However, Acts 6 teaches the balance. Therefore, my suggestion to you is not to ignore either of the two disciplines. You have to maintain a balance between the two. In fact, any vibrant Christian living cannot neglect both disciplines or draw a dichotomy between the two. They should go together.

A pastor who maintains this balance will be effective in his ministry and the church will continue to grow spiritually and numerically.


I do not think that you can make such an adamant statement that a seeker-sensitive church cannot grow deep disciples of Christ. These were some of the issues we dealt with in one of my doctoral seminars in Evangelism when we were studying contemporary evangelism. I think you have to belong to a seeker-sensitive church to be able to make a fair judgment on the matter. The church to which I belong is not called seeker-sensitive but we use similar methods. I believe that members of such churches can grow deeper in Christ when the growth and discipleship process do not end at the church premises. In my local church for instance, we have Life Groups. The growth process continues in the Life groups. We have a large library and various discipleship materials that help leaders and members to grow. Therefore, I can say that in every church whether seeker-sensitive or not the growth process depends on the individual Christian.
