Sun, 24 Jul 2022 Feature Article

Remembering 24th July 2012

Remembering 24th July 2012

On that fateful day I remember he was due to travel to Nigeria for an official visit but it was rumoured it was a ploy to see the famous Prophet T.B. Joshua, his spiritual father.

I believed as noble as he was, he would never lie to his dear nation so I immediately rubbished the detractors rumours. After all he had enough strength for the past, the present and the future, and his triumphal entry back to Ghana after his medical review abroad was a sign of victory! My heart leaped for joy when at the airport he jogged, and tears of joy streamed down my eyes and of course that of millions to see the President back and fit.

On that day when he arrived back home amidst so many rumours that he was gravely ill, my heart melted in solemn praise when he spoke, but the detractors said he was nasal to my great dismay.

Yet again my ears heard what my soul yearned for as his aides and ministers echoed the melodious chorus – “the president is very fit”.

I believed them because they always told the truth as they swore heaven and earth on TV and radio stations to prove our leader was well and often referred to the moments he stood for hours when he always met the press.

I believed them because they always thundered the truth, proving the 'anointed' president was never bedridden as speculated by the so called detractors. Indeed the law of karma seemed to be very effective in those days as leading figures of the opposition kept dying whenever such rumours about the health of the president became a trending topic.

I believed them because they were born for the truth and had a spirit of prophecy since they accurately predicted the ever-popular president might not even be present on campaign grounds. They stressed that even if it became necessary for him to be present on campaign platforms he would only be waving to the cheering crowd and not even bother to speak. But sadly they never told us he will be absent because of death and will be dragged through the streets in a coffin to the view of wailing crowd and be abandoned in a place called Asomdwee Park!

So on that fateful Tuesday when it was again rumoured the president was gone, I laughed within and aloud, ate my meal, cursed the detractors and expected one to die. The rumour echoed, the weather suddenly became dull and the faces of people seemed mournful but I remained hopeful.

How could a whole president who had his birthday only three days ago just die without any cause? How could a man due for Nigeria just pass on? I persistently argued my case and waited in vain for the truth ambassadors to denounce the rumour once and for all.

I monitored the radio stations but I could hear only dirges. My heart started throbbing. The TV stations were blank and it was as if everybody was afraid to speak. I persisted in my stubborn hope that the news was fake but at the end my cheerful face made way for a mournful mood. I trembled and flood of tears burst out from my eyes when GTV finally confirmed the terrible news.

It was a lonely sorrowful night. I saw strong men shake their heads in great disbelief and wet their clothes with tears. I saw women wailing like they lost an only child. Eyes were really red as blood for noble Mills who made Dr. Mrs. Naadu a widow in just one day.

Days have passed and given birth to weeks, months and now 10 years after the blackest day but I still wonder why my hero’s demise still has so many conspiracy theories and so many unanswered questions. How come they confessed he was sick after his demise but insisted he was very fit when he lived? How come a whole president send a brother to buy a cervical collar from a local pharmacy instead of expert’s attention? How come it was massive stroke when he was able to lift his hands and commit his soul into the hands of God? Did the media have a hint when they constantly asked experts in the news as to what will happen at the sudden demise of a president? Why even the silence of the great tree that birthed it’s most exalted son when he passed on in controversy? Was it maternity or ambulance with no presidential escorts?

The questions rage on but am not sure there would ever be any suitable answers, after all I agree with Ralph Waldo when he said, “The secret is the answer to all that has been, all that is, and all that will ever be.” However, there are some things I know and these are what for life I will remember; Just one day a great leader flew to the maker without saying goodbye. Just one day a new leader was sworn into office in the evening of a sorrowful cold Tuesday. Just one day there was no more father for all and it was red and black all over, and finally in just one day there was no more the Yutong bus driver who addressed his passengers as “my brothers and sisters”. Rest well our dear President Atta Mills. Aliu Mahama, Amissah Arthur, Kofi Annan and your own J.J. Rawlings but our own Papa J are all united with you in death within this decade of your 10th anniversary. We dearly miss you all. Forever in our hearts.

By The corner boy.

G. J. Mensah
G. J. Mensah, © 2022

This Author has 4 publications here on modernghana.comColumn: G. J. Mensah

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