08.06.2022 Feature Article

Ensuring food security in Ghana

Ensuring food security in Ghana
08.06.2022 LISTEN

Food security has become a global issue, as a result of the war in Ukraine, a leading producer of wheat. As a wise and aspirational African people, we must now highlight the efforts of the most successful and innovative farmers, in our homeland Ghana - and none comes close to what B-BOVID Farms Limited's founder. Issa Ouedraogo, has achieved in less than twenty years.

Issa, an orphan who went abroad to study in Germany, then worked overseas and saved enough (US $800,000) to enable him return home to invest in his dream: establishing a social impact agrisector business, with a value-chain of empowered oil palm smallholder stakeholders, as a way of giving back to society, for escaping poverty.

Today, the world has embraced the idea of business impacting society, and the natural environment, positively, by bedrocking the ethos that guides its operations on good governance principles that result in a C-Suit culture focused on diversity and environmental stewardship in the communities they serve worldwide.

That is why the Issa Ouedraogos in our midst, ought to be embraced - for their innovative agrisector social impact business model empowers its value-chain's smallholder farmer-stakeholders to bootstrap their way out of the brutish-hellish-trap of extreme poverty successfully, generates jobs galore across rural Ghana, and helps to green our country, because tree-planting is an integral part of their operations.

Replicated nationwide, agrisector social impact businesses will enable Ghana to ensure food security, and increase its natural capital as agroforestry projects. Our ruling-elites routes ought to focus on incentivising our national economy's private sector's most innovative agripreneurs, with tax breaks and seek their views on how to create wealth that remains locally, and generate meaningful jobs for rural Ghana's younger generations, while ensuring food security for Mother Ghana, above all.
