Miss Paula Peal Simons a teenage environmental activist of AbibiNsroma Foundation is worried about water scarcity and rationing even in a planned urban city of Tema. This is making lives uncomfortable along with high risk of contamination and illnesses.
When you wake up from bed and the taps don't flow, the next is to check if you have stored water left.
You will need to drink a glass of water, wash your face, brush your teeth and tongue for the first line of early morning action.
Where do we get water to flash the water closet and have our morning bathe?
Water for breakfast would be a challenge. Have we considered the many who rely on water for commercial cooking?
How about the hospitals and washing of hands with soap under running water in times of the covid-19 pandemic?
We see children and adults mostly women and the girl child with buckets and gallons in search of water. The search for water denies us productive time for lessons at school and work time for our parents.
Who will help grandma and dad to get water when the taps don't flow?
As galamsey continues to rage on destroying our water bodies, the impact of climate change, increasing human population and construction works also affect our water resources. It is time for us to rethink about our human behaviour towards a sustainable living to safeguard us now and the future.
Access to clean safe water is a need and human right. Join me and let's strengthen our voices for water justice. Water ! Response: Is Life. Preserve It. Use it wisely.
We cannot live without water. Water is life, Preserve it and use it wisely.
Abibinsroma Foundation is an NGO that identifies, promotes, and empower persons at the gross roots to develop innovative solutions for the developmental challenges in Ghana and Africa
Happy World Water Day. It's all about us. Thank you