30.09.2021 Feature Article

Democratic elected Politicians do not care about their people

Democratic elected Politicians do not care about their people
30.09.2021 LISTEN

General Election in Germany on 26.09.2021 and the aftermath of finding a new coalition government alongside the unfolding events in Guniea under an interim Military Leadership raises once more the question of which system benefits the people most and under which circumstances?

People enter politics in different jurisdictions and historic settings based on various forms of motivation. Underdogs claim the hardship personally experienced must be not the fate of many others wanting to fight in parliament for new laws and strategies. In democracies, they enter the race for a seat in parliament, in a dictatorship or absolutistic regimes and individuals fight in a revolution to overturn the bad with the proclaimed better one. Others are motivated by their visions for a nation and the entire world trying to convince their fellow citizens to share in their dreams and follow them to power.

Ideas and visions are words or dreams first before mentioned and shared with others, innocent in itself, just there for the individual. When voices and power are given by the structure of a society they become helpful, positive or destructive and even evil, lifting a society or bringing the same down while at the same time the person in power at the top of a jurisdiction shines in the light of time most often empowering his foreign bank account and the status of his family and friends.

To illustrate the problem and open the way for a solution two events might be helpful in Germany and UK. Rudolf Bahro, former Democratic Republic of Germany (East-Germany) political dissent and subsequently founding member of the German party The Greens during his speech at a Green Party`s Congress in 1984 pronounced and encourage his fellow party member to harvest voters in the conservative party in Bavaria the CSU as the would not like to see their forest die from acid rain. Founding members had left the party by that time being disappointed about the direction of their leadership and voters turned to other parties instead. But The Greens did not want to be embarrassed by fewer seats in parliament turning their eye to the former political opponent. This is all in the name of staying in power and be still relevant. This followed the declared abolishment of their principles after which each 2 years MPs of their party should rotate and give way to another party member, no cars use only bikes or trains, Party Leaders should no have a mandate in Parliament besides others. Brexit discussion in Parliament saw MPs change their mind either way of leaving or staying even the mandate given by their constituency which way to stand for them was crystal clear written in black and white on pink sheets.

The current talks in Germany to form a governing coalition exposes the weakness of a clear cut democracy and that the parties and their representative do not have the voters on their mind first but want to satisfy their ego for which reason they had entered politics in the first place. The faces seen in the heart in the public range from sweet, nice, intellectual, hard-minded, fighter, business associated politicians to the soft sides social orientated teachers and artists. When looking behind the nice faces, the loud voices, the strong words, the endless promises, the pledges and many more it becomes more and more obvious in our days that politicians have the interest of their voters not as much as expected on their mind rather the satisfaction of their ego.

Strong individuals that overturn a democratic setting for a short or longer period are often seen as grusam dictators that have no place in this world. The fact that the world has seen more good such strong men that cause more trouble and harm than doing anything good does not exclude the fact that unlike politicians in democratic settings more often some of them see their nation in the middle of their affection, attention and love keeping their ego way down low. The satisfaction of their ego comes once they can see first-hand that their mission has been accomplished and bears positive fruits for their people.

Every society decided by and for itself its future for which only they can be blamed or applauded for.
