23.05.2021 Feature Article

Army: School of the Nation

Army: School of the Nation
23.05.2021 LISTEN

Armies are a heavy financial burden to any nation never productive. Soldiers in African barracks today wait for the call to help in the freedom missions across the continent and fight terrorism on their territory. Mostly they are just waiting and waiting and waiting for actions to make them meaningful. History has seen different solutions over and over again. The best of them all is to see and make the Army the "School of the Nation".

The " School of the Nation" helps to address many pressing issues of underdeveloped countries like the ones in Africa. It helps in character building, nation-building and professional skills. The army is a good coach for honouring time, working as a team, be honest, trusting each other, planning with strategic structure, hard work, finding common solutions to problems, be interested in a nation rather than in tribes, see a common goal as more important than egotistical interest etc.

A society that wants to compete in today's modern globalised very competitive world must stand on the high professional standards of its people. E.g. Germany, Singapore and India (IT-Technology and Bio-Sciences) have no or very limited natural resources depending entirely on human thinking and actions to stand tall. Knowledge is the key to their success, the increase of it as well as the export of it.

The "School of the Nation", the Army, should play a vital role in the development of an underdog like in many African countries. The time to serve should be filled with professional training to be highly skilled plumbers, masons, traders, IT-Specialists, accountants, police officers, inventors journalists, teachers, poets and alike. Three years serving in the " School of the Nation" will have a significant impact on the positive development of any African nation.

Today's Africa's political elite well trained in the world of the white man sending their children to his schools and universities know all about such concepts and ideas. North Korea's Dictator was raised in Switzerland. Back home in power, he uses the old mechanism to oppress his people and never allow them to see good, the good he had enjoyed once as a young boy. African leaders are the same in their overall approach to govern their countries as they know once their people are well trained and intellectually liberated with a sound mind and character their time to enjoy power is limited and over. What is in the best interest of their nations is mostly not done.

Developing nations need to create an environment in which people can blossom to their greatest potential. Every one of us is gifted for something special. This must show and be further developed at an early age. School curriculum that wants to unify the students is not helpful rather sets back society from its great and dynamic potential. Rich people are more often than not dropouts from school and colleges. Professors hardly make it into Forbes magazine list of the richest man in the world. This fact and the wisdom behind it must especially teach African nations a vital lesson.

Pupils talented for social care, public work, inventorship, entrepreneurship, technical works etc. must at an early age be allowed to develop their God-given talents. To teach someone gifted in politics/journalism/writing, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and music is at a certain age waste of human resources.

Once again, when African leaders do what is best for their people they will be liberated to face them eye to eye and be their intellectual and financial competitor a scenario they do not want to see. Therefore borrowing money from abroad makes them stay in power as interventions created during their time in office will always create a good mood among their followers ignoring the fact the loans taken one day must be paid back but as democratically elected officials they leave the mess in the hands of the next administration.
