14.11.2020 Feature Article

The World Ruler - Part 32

The World Ruler - Part 32
14.11.2020 LISTEN

Cheers and laughter were voice by the thousands that had gathered welcoming a German turned into Ghanaian King, a historic moment for all them indeed. King Thomas waved and smiled at the crowd that was unable to be stopped and express their happiness. After ten minutes of standing ovations die King Thomas and The President walk back into the office, sat down to continue their discussion.

"The Western World, the world of the developed countries, all have lost their moral authority, their momentum to boost humanity and lift it from level to level. Nations in the past so vital for the world to move ahead as human beings contributing great ideas to enlighten Billions around the world, all these nations are economically still meaningful but as morally having slept for generations after generations the vacuum created had to be filled, and filled by us," mentioned the President with great pride in his facial expressions. He smiled all over his face and wisdom in his eyes was shining bright.

King Thomas leaving a piece of chocolate cake unattended too for the moment was to be heard saying: "I always give one very typical example where the white man has failed mankind and humanity, very typical indeed. Cuckoo children, children not from the husband of the mother but her lover, her extramarital relationship. For thousands of years since marriage began, this happens. In some societies more than in others, in some ages more than at other times. But the situation is basically always the same, the mother is committing a legal and most of all moral crime. Other crimes like bank robbery or murder the offender can gain something for a short period or get away with his crime unpunished a lifetime long. But for the issue of cuckoo children, no one is winning, everyone is losing, and the punishment is in my society of Germany, like in other countries also, only on the side of the legal fathers. Modern democracies have no suitable and fair answers to heal the wounds caused and no answer to bring an end or at least reduce the numbers of such children. In Germany in the past at least, I have not updated as of today, the biological father that by nature would know first whether or not he might be the potential father of the new-born baby well before the legal father would ever have any suspicion something could is wrong with the child and the mother and his connection to the child. When someone has experienced a new-born baby on his chest laying there for bonding that man can never forget the tender and warm feelings, he had...never ever in his life. And when reality hits him so hard, slams into his face, when a DNA test shows he is not the biological father but had been cheated on, such man is devasted and down with a big question mark arising in him of they why, why he had to live a lie as such a marriage is nothing but a lie. And when time passes for some that at teenage age the real identity of the biological father comes to light, the bondage between legal father and ex-children is already so strong that the truth uncovered will have lasting negative effects for legal father and children, not to mention for all people involved in the process like grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins and nephews. As the sex life of the woman is protected by law she does not have to disclose the identity of the biological father making it hard or impossible for the legal father to take up his right and get all the money back he had paid for the child that was never his. Hiding the identity from the husband intending a mistake made should not harm the marriage in any way is fantasy thinking. The moment a child grows in the mother's womb it has a right to know the truth of its existence, the identity of the biological father is a vital part of a human`s identity and can never even be taken away from him. After all, the truth mystically eventually over years pushes itself to the surface or life and the longer the bond between a legal father and child out of his own blood is the more painful it gets. The German law system was so cruel, so inhuman, so brutal that it limited the time to fight for being recognized as only the legal father to a two-year time frame even children life far beyond it and to top it all off the legal father had to pay for the child monthly support or make it up in case the biological father is unable to pay it all. I mean, the brutality of inhuman mind is what had happened in the past to thousands of innocent men in my country, very, very disgraceful and shameful."

"I am shocked to hear all that, your deeply sorry how brutal Germany treated innocent men once happily married and holding a child in their arms only to see that DNA test results revealed the truth and proved them wrong...a dramatic tragedy that affected one-third of the German population directly or indirectly all those years past," had the President of Tanzania tears in his eyes and wisdom in his looks. "This sad story in human life is something going on for thousands of years and all legal men were suffering in their corner, only a little help given. We in Tanzania have faced the same disaster. Here men cheated on their wives, wives on their husband is too big numbers. The only difference to Germany was that DNA testing for most of our people was simply too expensive. So, in most cases men had the strong believe their children were not of their own sperm and blood but from another unknown man. They were unable to get out of their mental and spiritual prison, their emotions were squeezing their hearts and minds. But thanks to the initiative of my predecessor and some great people we in Tanzania went ahead to fight this cruelty done by ladies that should know emotions and harts better than any men could do. So, we were setting up a body and a foundation to promote an end to this cruelty, this inhuman act of some women. Radio and TV ads and spots were launched running each day up and down the country. Women were exposed and seriously punished, excluded from the community, outcasted and laws were passed to bring justice to the people. Now we are in fact at the stage that any child born before a father is mentioned, is assigned to it, DNA testing is mandatory. No child will stand in connection with any man where the blood identity is not one hundred per cent certain. The women in such cases will have to face all legal and financial consequences if they refuse to reveal the identity of the biological father. We have even taken the matter that far that we have a data bank like it is with sex offenders in some countries of the former developed world. Yes, we have been criticized a lot, very much so from Human Rights Organizations based in your white societies, but after all, we have statistics that prove such cases are in very small numbers now...and families can be healthy and live a life in certainty. That was worth the fight and is still worth all the headache that comes with such an unfortunate process to end misery mankind had suffered under for far too long. It truly makes me so proud that here we have on vital and important example that in fact Africa moves ahead of the white man in more and more moral aspects and find valuable and honest and true and warm heartening answers to the most pressing questions mankind and humanity these days have. Old Europe once a beacon of humanity with its great philosophers like Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Epikur and so many more...they have all been laid to rest and our African philosophers have taken over to dominate the question and answer dialogue to find modern solutions to always the same pressing issues of mankind to reshape and modernize humanity for the next hundreds of years."

"I am most impressed by your endless wisdom, Mr President...very much so! Smiled King Thomas accepting his second helping of chocolate cake with a creamy topping and decorated with three cherries with Cognac flavour, not too much, just a little taste of it.

"I am so proud that the worldwide organization IACCA Foundation has its seat here in Dodoma. Form here the operation is managed, campaigns to end this misery for Millions innocent children and husbands and their families for good. Of course, we all know it will never go away but much is already achieved by reducing the numbers of such innocent children, the pain the situation causes people and the courts that first deal with the issue of who is the biological father consuming lots of unnecessary time and financial resources and as in these cases the marriage will not continue also divorce hearings and its energy-sucking consequences. I am so pleased to see the campaign after campaign reducing tears of children and husbands. These wives are selfish as if they are no longer happy with the husband, they simply should leave him and walk on in life in the arms of another man. There is absolutely no justification for these brutal actions of these cruel justification whatsoever. And as there is none, these women must feel and get the consequences, they can never walk for free as it was in the dark days of the world...I am telling you!"

"Africa is becoming the moral hero with true values of humanity...the moral ruler of the world!"

"And you my King...leading the process from Bergo!" laughed the President of Tanzania walking over to the big window of his office and looked out. He stood there contemplating before he asked his guest to join him: "Can you see the beautiful flowers over there, the Mango trees, and there the coconut tree and all the many trees of which I even do not know their botanical names. And can you see these animals walking in our back garden?"

"Yes, I can see!"

"They never do to each other what humans do to each other. They do what they were made for, to grow and blossom or to eat other animals while passing on their genes to the next generation to be fit for purpose...that is all. But we as humans can think, we can reflect...and all that is our misery. Because we can think Adam and eve were asked to leave the Garden of Eden and Cain killed Abel. Sometimes I wish we would not have the ability to think, just to live and worship God...that is all!"

King Thomas followed the President and stood on the lawn before the office. Both looked around taking deep a breath. A peacock showed up, got scared of the two mighty men standing right in front of him and displayed his feathers.

After a few minutes in silence, King Thomas said: "When I look into the history and see past generations of nations calling for democracy, fighting even for it shedding blood on their streets, years and generations later many of these nations got tired of a more sophisticated democracy to voice all concerns of a nation in all details possible while making the country inflexible allowing other nations to take their place in all aspects of a nation. When that moment had occurred the call for a strong leader was loud and clear-voiced in the streets of the so-called developed world. Here in Africa, I noticed, the call for a strong leader was always there as this seems to be African tradition. Of course, a strong leader like a King not thinking nor working for his good but having the plight, the good future of his people always on his mind. Africa truly had seen many dictators with evil minds and evil hearts, that is for sure. But what I mean is that democracy is not made for Africa, at least not of now, does not benefit the nations on the African continent as much as a strong leader that is like a tough teacher pushing his people like students to the top, to the best they can become and be. He has a vision, not for a limited time of eight or some more odd years bit thinks for generations to come. This was in the world an obvious trend and very interesting. Particularly to see the voices here in Africa asking to demolish Republics and form Kingdoms again, every nation has come to its conclusion and solutions how best to go about it, but I can see...."

"That Ghana has given all of us an excellent example...that must be said," took the President the right hand of King Thomas to gratulate him for his endless efforts to influence the rest of the continent tirelessly.

"You are a true blessing for the German with white skin and a strong passionate black heart beating for us!"

King Thomas looked down to the lush green grass underneath his shining black polished shoes, took a deep breath, put a smile onto his face to signal the President standing by his side of how much he would appreciate his kind remarks and lectured in a fine, smooth tone a lesson the President of Tanzania would never forget in his entire life: "The success of any economy, or the failure of it, is strongly connected to the aspect of dynamics. Only a truly dynamic economy is a vibrant and flourishing economy for many generations to come. Tax from consumption, income tax, customs duties, VAT and other tax instruments plus government investing back tax into the system triggers the dynamics that must be the underlining spirit and force of any successful economy. Of course, this must all be based on a well laid out and followed plan alongside fiscal and moral discipline. Time is essential in any success story and honouring time is essential. A dynamic economy that is not only processed by the spirit of invention and risk-taking can only overtake other successful economies based in the time factor. Dynamic is not standing still, walking cautiously forward, checking out all possible and impossible hurdles that ideas and initiatives can cause. With confidence and power, the dynamic economy moves ahead from level to level eventually becoming not only financially impossible to beat but, in the process, has enough human resources to develop new ideas to improve the existing concepts of humanity. a poor man has no time to think but to find work to earn his living. But when the dynamic factor sets in and progress are made naturally the capacity and capability sets in to think beyond making money as money his only a tool for change, and the change must be thought of, voices and empowered to see the light of time to better the overall living conditions of a nation and people around the world."

The President stood speechless before the German once born as a simple man no one had ever heard off and said after a few moments: "I guess I do understand the meaning of your words...slowly, step by step." He asked his guest to return inside the office and have the last round of exchanging ideas and visions and complained: "That is a big issue in our African society, I mean the issue of time. Is it the sun, is it the air that we breathe that makes our people so much different than people in countries like yours where cold is catching up with them? Here in Africa with our people...time is just a word and only used when it is of benefit to our selfish minds...but most definitely not accepted as a universal concept. Even God, our Maker, knew the importance of time and having a plan He could have created the world in just a few words and seconds, but he created it in six days and he even knows that resting on one day of the week to contemplate about the work accomplished is so much needed. Your white people understand that, but Africa...we have our problems with this simple truth. so, we live anyhow looking into our empty pockets, cry, stave off hunger, die of nonsense and leave no meaningful trace anymore in the book of history."

"But Mr President," smiled King Thomas before leaving the office standing in the doorframe of the heavy door meant to conceal any discussions held in the office of the President, "tables have turned, the dark days of Africa are over. We see even stronger cooperation among our nations as we do not need the outside world. We will have more and more Kingdoms in Africa and truly will sit on the throne to rule the world. The agenda has changed, the white man had seen the best of his days in history, now the power turns back into our hands as it was at the beginning of mankind."

"Overpopulation, people`s power replacing intelligence and power that comes with it...what a turn of the table, how great this history and our Maker," waved the President of Tanzania King Thomas good-bye seeing him been driven off.
