08.11.2020 Article

Little Things

Little Things
08.11.2020 LISTEN

Many years of beautiful friendship enjoyed by two sisters in a certain neighborhood of ancient Gold Coast (present-day Ghana) came to an abrupt end. Due to a comprehensive rebuttal of misinformation and misunderstanding over a jolly argument. The ‘separation occasion’ was staged on the platform of very strong and straight words. Who would have thought a petty squabble could separate these two friends? Unfortunately, that was the end of an awesome friendship built on the castle of good will, for decades.

Oh! “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky” – a popular English lullaby resounding beautifully within. Twinkle little stars may look small, yet they dress the skies like a diamond. We could spend thousands of hours beholding their beauty leaving behind the day’s dinner unattended to on time. Shouts upon shouts from mummy’s kitchen was the only caricature that brought us back into the physical realm. That was how these tiny stars gave a dream of comfort right in their habitat (far above in cloudy skies).

Little things are not little. They have efficacy to build relationships, friendships, homes, marriages and societies that can win every day. And as well stand the test of time. They may not put a minuscule amount of a dollar into pockets, but can guide and protect pockets to receive more than billion dollars. The greats and most gifted fell short of glory just because they kicked this wisdom (phronesis) with their left foot. “He who is faithful in a very little things is also faithful in much” (see Luke 16:10). A quick resurgence of the Holy Scriptures. The contractors of buildings are yet to win the research of how a house can be built without the acquisition of a plot of land, grading and site preparation, and foundation construction. Thereafter, the roofing, siding, installation of windows and doors including other cogent things come to play. Here we go, the journey of building a beautiful edifice comes to fruition. Little things are great contractors.

Reminiscence, the conversation between an interviewer and the most elegantly dressed lady (interviewee) of the evening never envisaged an end to the dialogue until everything that contributed to her amazing look was recognized. In every sphere of our daily endeavors, little things do occupy an exclusive place. The ‘good morning’ song to Lord Almighty and to ‘Sir or Madam’ at the office has never grown old. ‘How are you dear’? And ‘how was your night?’ That we joyfully enjoy breathing in and around our loved ones have always been fresh when they surfaced the aura. They meant a lot to us when we received great feedback of pleasantries. In case, it was the opposite, the impertinence of it drives a quick rectification.

Mighty things in the garment of little, little beautiful things; eternal checks on all sellers counter wallowing in arising appetite for signatories and withdrawal. The approved gateway to quench the swallowing of saliva in the company of avoidable quarrels and misunderstandings.

The inability to get all facts right before jumping quickly into conclusion, invites conflicts and a stalemate in our relationships and friendships. On a different day, some turn to attack their so-called friends by tarnishing their image. Perhaps, you had a fair evidence for an offense. And usually, the damage is justified on the basis of volcanic emotion. Some would go the length by washing away the historical sculptures and monuments at the shoreline. Just to unleash these hot-tempered tidal lines, ‘give the same good amount of offense others give you’. But is not worth it. Fine! Someone may say, but you do not know the intensity of what transpired. I perfectly do understand. Sometimes, the people we call friends, appear to be the opposite. However, the approach employed can leave scars of memories we might not be proud of. Especially, when we were fed with cooked lies. Sometimes, a distance with a firm and kind decision could be the best option to protect ourselves from toxic associates as well as our dignity. But resorting to anything that can destroy or cause harmful damage is not worth it. Little things are not little.

Sometimes, ‘I am sorry’ and ‘thank you’ that were too weighty, the help not offered, the gifts (no matter how small they looked) withheld, ‘I love you’ unsaid, and unexpressed feelings when expressed, can easily make worst situations better. If little drops of water can form a mighty ocean, then the miniature of unconditional things can plant giant trees. Trees of LOVE, KINDNESS, FORGIVENESS and HUMILITY.

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Written by Asamoah Courage Olivant (Min Smartt)
