
Maintaining Your Wellness In The Time Of COVID-19

By Linda Ama Segbefia
Article Maintaining Your Wellness In The Time Of COVID-19
SEP 16, 2020 LISTEN

Wellness is a thoughtful effort! An intentional activities you to have a healthy and vibrant life. In a simple term, wellness is defined as the state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.

Your wellness as a person largely depends on you and it's should be a way of living to help you grow while taking care of your maximum self.

Over the last few months, perhaps it's safe to say from March the issue of Covid-19 hit us so hard and has reshaped the way of living for many. From the way we use to eat, daily routine work, our relationship with family and loved ones, the acquiring of materials things among others.

If you are an employee like myself in an established organisation, you most likely have received innumerable emails from your Human Resource Unit to partake in a wellness talk or received tit-bits on how to maintain your wellness during this unusual times and as you work from home.

And this because as much as wellness is for the individual, it's essential to businesses too.

Here are a few tips I have learnt in the numerous wellness talk I have been part of:

Time for Hobby

Most likely there is something you love to do or have always wanted to do. But, you have always used time as an excuse not to have done it. Well, now that there seems to be some free time because of less social activities, this is the best time to revisit the idea and get moving!

I'm happy to share that a friend of mine has used this period to learn baking and now she is saving money by baking to feed her own family. Way to go!!!!

I read from a friend's post that she has learnt how to braid from YouTube channels, others are into are re-organising their homes whiles others are also gardening.

Engaging in a hobby may be as simple as writing that article or Do It Yourself activities among others. There are countless list of hobbies to choose from and try whiles you have this moment. So go ahead, and try a hobby and fall in love with it, who knows it can turn into a passionate career.

What's in your bowl?

A lot has been said about good nutrition being critical in building our immunity to fight diseases. It's best to question every bowl of food in front of us when we are about to dig-in. Health experts have advised us to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits to make our immune system strong.

A little break from the news

Sometime back, a colleague once asked “how do you manage the overflow of information? These days information is everywhere! It's almost like everywhere you turn to you find information you're not seeking.

A little break from the news can be helpful for your wellness. You can make a deliberate effort to limit the media consumption. You can decide to allocate a specific time in the day to watch the news and do so from a credible media sources so you know you are getting the fact of the issue.

Catchin' up

Catching up with friends, families and colleagues is vital. You probably at home most of these days. And now that social activities have drastically decreased, it difficult to hang out physically.

This can cause boredom and loneliness. Catch up with people on a lighter mood so you don't feel alone. Nevertheless, the temptation to still find yourself discussing coronavirus pandemic can potentially be high.

Do yourself some good to think of an interesting and fun conversation to engage in before making that call. That way you are sure to have a great conversation without feeling more anxious and worried after the call.

As we navigate through these challenging times, we can consider these few tips whiles we stay safe.

By Linda Ama Segbefia

Follow @ wellnessgh on instagram
