03.08.2020 Feature Article

Freedom Never Comes - Part 46

Freedom Never Comes - Part 46
03.08.2020 LISTEN

Heinz Wohlfarth took the dust offered and looked at it in his palm saying: "I guess...this will never happen and the earth has never been, since creation, seen anything that can be seriously and honestly called overcoming of egoism in people; also in the light of colour. We were the same, we are the same, we will be the same and ...."

George Fähnrich looked at him while picking up more dust: "Hamster people!"

"Let us be honest to ourselves," challenged Heinz Wohlfarth his Lübeck friend with a big smile all over his face, "the past time that we were together and spend time together...wasn´t it a great time for you and me to learn from each other and come to deeper insight of what life is all about?"

"In particular the aspect of freedom," added George Fähnrich and smiled back. "Sure...we had a jolly great time, so much so see, so much to learn and understand. I trust that not only us, but all people out there, will make great use of what we have seen, felt, heard, and understood...for them to climb up and up to higher and higher levels. I mean, after all our life should be for nothing but to stimulate others as when we have made others better then ourselves in our time, we truly can say that we have achieved our destiny, mission accomplished. And when I look around this place where Jesus Christ once was born and died, it is truly a remarkable place for such a search as we have accomplished it...truly remarkable. But...," he smiled even brighter, “here the journey will not end. It is another phase on a long, long journey to understand what this world is all about. As long as we both shall live, we will not end to understand, to observe, to hear and to listen to life`s matters. Whether we will ever be smart enough to understand the real truth, the fundamentals ... gosh, I really cannot say. All I know is that we must still continue to dig deep and deeper to be worth having received the honour of being alive. And so, we are mandated to voice from level to level what we understand willing always to learn and possibly correct wrong thinking based on the time we find ourselves in."

"I need your High Five, brother," lifted Heinz Wohlfarth his right hand feeling the sweat of George Fähnrich`s palm in his palm. "There will be more information from us coming to this world!"

They arrived safely at Hamburg-Airport late autumn. Cold was about to hit the city. Leaves have fallen from all trees covering the city in quiet times, in a preparation phase to slow down and survive through a harsh winter. Seeing Hamburg from above, River Elbe, Airbus Industries, and the biggest cemetery in the world, Ohlsdorfer Friedhoff, across from the Airport on the other side of the train tracks heading towards Hamburg City Center. Ohlsdorfer Friedhoff was only accessible to cars and bikes, to walk through end to end would have taken the best parts of an afternoon. Bus lines connected gates with each other for crying and sad people to visit their loved once. It was more a park than anything else, not like in France or other countries stone besides stone. Even small ponds were a part of the cemetery. No wonder that some visitors used the location to walk around and take a deep breath of fresh air. Many famous and rich people in German history were buried there alongside fallen soldiers of both world wars.

The winter that was about to come was clearly hidden in the air. Both remembered their childhood when snow was about to swallow them standing high in the streets for toddlers hard to manage getting to school. They were laughing thinking of the year that the north of Germany was cut off from the rest of the country and roads leading to smaller villages were impossible to use for which reason the villages for weeks had to be supplied with food, drinks and medication from the air. It never came as a surprise to anyone that nine months later the hospitals around were filled with crying babies too much.

They had passed customs with ease finding their way to the bus stop that would take them home. "Always when I hear and see Hamburg, even seeing Hamburg number plates, I get very, very sentimental. Not that I would break down in tears and cry, no, but there is a certain feeling inside me," said Heinz Wohlfarth while looking out of the bus windows seeing had been part of his life for so long, so familiar, extended house into the wide open of the city that he was born into.

"I do understand and appreciate what you are saying," mentioned George Fähnrich sitting by his friend´s side. "A whole universe of time and space hits you when you return to the place that was your home and place of gets me also!"

"But that does not mean," turned Heinz Wohlfarth to his friend with serious facial expression, "that I want to stay here always. no, I want to travel the world and understand it. When I think of England, when I am there, when I touch the soil of that great island or when I have to leave again...guess what, I cry always."

"You as a German cry for England? Strange!" was George Fähnrich surprised while the bus was about to reach Ohlsdorf Train Station, time to change public transport.

"As I am always saying, my brain in German, very much so, no problem...but my heart is British, very much so. When I think of England and I touch base there or find myself about to departure by air of ship...I am telling you, even as I have done it many times in my life now...but still today it gets me. I always have to separate myself from others, stand in a quiet corner and cry. It just gets me, and I cannot help it. Because of that I know that I am British in all that I am, but my citizenship and my upbringing is German...and my thinking, my character...very much German, I am telling you."

"So, you are a mix of two great worlds than?" applauded George Fähnrich while they stood at the platform waiting for the S-Bahn to take them to Alte Wöhr where Heinz Wohlfarth had his apartment. During his stay in Israel someone had rented the place for small money. So, he was hoping to find the flat in the same condition he had left it months ago.

Heinz Wohlfarth was relieved to see his apartment was still the same as he had left it and advised George Fähnrich: "So, this is the room you can stay in until you leave tomorrow for Lübeck." They dropped their bags in the hallway before going out and look for food.

After intensive shopping in the nearest Supermarket both started to cook. George Fähnrich was amazed to taste the expertise Heinz Wohlfarth had in preparing a superb meal for both of them. Heinz Wohlfarth smiled and informed his friend that his parents were both chefs therefore it is in his blood to cook well. "Opening a can of Ravioli...never a problem for me!" did he laugh while enjoying his ice-cream, vanilla, and chocolate flavour. They went to bed early as the long flight had taken a toll on them.

"Good morning, George, time to get up," opened Heinz Wohlfarth the door to the guest room and found it empty. He was shocked. He looked everywhere in the room for a clue where his friend could possibly be. His beg was standing in a corner untouched. Searching in the whole apartment to look for an indication of where his friend might have gone too, but he did not find any sign of his whereabouts. His heart was beating faster and faster. Fear crawl up his neck. He had problems to breathe and swallow. No sign whatsoever. When reporting George Fähnrich to the Police at the nearest Police Station around Hartzloh Platz he was informed that George Fähnrich was found dead in Speicherstadt for mysterious reason. Without the involvement of any other person, that was what the Police Officer told him, he had run against the concrete wall of a warehouse. At the warehouse was a poster stick which was damaged only with a blood spot that had the size of the head of a newborn baby in between the legs of a woman.


Dedicated to

Ms. Mawuena Trebarh
