02.06.2020 Feature Article

Hand over Africa to the White Man or: CHANGE!

Hand over Africa to the White Man or: CHANGE!
02.06.2020 LISTEN

The Whites will eventually take over Ghana/Africa again and my wife says: "But Ghanaians will not allow it!" Never? Let's make a fast fact check. Europe is not owned by the White Man, Africa is not owned by the Black Man...the world is made by God and he is the only owner making the decision where certain people/races should be located and rule their own places and beyond.

Ghana, like most African countries, is trapped in a two-party system of NDC and NPP. Citizens can mostly not think outside the box for a better system and solutions to their problems. 60, 50, 40 or 30 years of Independence, have not demonstrated that their Leaders and Citizenship have understood the responsibility their have to serve their people well and use their God-given richness in vast natural resources so none of their people has to migrate abroad for greener pasture or safe life. Their responsibility to push back the White Man on any attempt to interfere with their ways to a prosperous life by inventing things, cooperation on the continent and managing their budgets without corruption with a mind of true independence has not been understood.

When Dr Kwame Nkrumah, first President of independent Ghana, spoke the famous words on 06.03.1957: "When the Black Man is finally free he is capable to manage his own affairs" he truly believed in his words and the open window back then to demonstrate to his country and the world has been closed long ago by his very own people. Helen Ziller, Mayor of Cape Town (South Africa) from 2006-2009, granddaughter of famous Berlin/German artist Heinrich Zille, once said the road and water system of the country is worse off than during Colonial times. Ruling ANC criticized her massively for making the link between the obvious conditions on the ground and the country´s past but never claimed her statement in its substance was wrong.

When Russia left Afghanistan and USA took control Hamid Karzai was made President. Afghans themselves never knew about him while he was living in USA only known to the US Administration. When Syria was freed from Gaddhafi the current UNO accepted Government was put in place without agreement of the people on the ground.

The calling and slogan "Youth of Africa arise" to impact their nations for the better is could and clear but in reality very fragmented. An overall concept for change in sufficient volume (where are the new Constitution drafts, the new strategic plans to implement them as a detailed roadmap to success written in black and white, the ideas about new parties, new governmental structure plans, ideas how to finance it, ideas of foreign relations etc.? - the matured generations pushing the slogan and youth can`t they provide the paperwork so much needed for a possible change to make it happen and realistic beyond loud demand?) is not in sight. A much needed charismatic young Leader to personalize the uprising and change still must be born. Most likely the young strong secular voices of today will be the old established voices of tomorrow to bring the past into the future.

The highly indebtedness of Ghana, and other African countries, will force these countries to accept foreign management in their State Houses once creditors will demand their money back in real-time and stop any other support. Africa will be approx. 5 Billion people in the next 60 years based on the current multiplication rate of 5.6, natural resources so vital to the African State budgets will be exhausted in 60-80 years to come, climate change will increase prices of food production and supply of drinking water; while the mentality of African Leaders most likely will not change. Corruption will be in place for generations to come. The youth is hoped to take over with a changed mind but does not show signs beyond powerful words in the end to work on them and make change happen.

Before they come in their numbers to Europe and other developed countries, in a common concert effort these Nations will form a united front to force some of their own to sit in the power houses of Africa not as Colonial Masters Representatives but as individual Managers, like in Football common practise, to fix a serious problem. They do this for their own good and interest to protect their societies from the Black Man in numbers coming beyond what the world has seen in 2015 and subsequently destroying their societies.

The Youth in Germany can see what is coming to them once they rule politics and prepare themselves in their minds now how they should position themselves for that moment in history, many among them children black coloured of African parents once migrated from Africa for greener pastures.

The clock is ticking!
