
Personality Analysis: Harriet Humbles Boma Ye

By Adaa Boy
Personality Analysis: Harriet Humbles Boma Ye
31.05.2012 LISTEN

Interesting development in the Boma Ye residence: Just yesterday Boma Ye was warming up to the queen of the week aka Harriet who, in my mind, belongs to the shy group. Before he went in to spend some time with her in the queen's private bedroom, he had made a confession about how humbled he was by her character - she's selfless, cooks, cleans and doesn't complain about anything like the rest of the girls.

People with such character will impress anyone but it doesn't mean they will make a good partner. Boma Ye's favorites list does not include Harriet and that says a lot. Humble as she is, the “I am shy” attitude may not be enough for a guy like Boma Ye who clearly is showing some interest in the likes of Promzy, a completely different personality type.

Boma Ye's offer to take Harriet's plate to the kitchen is more of a guilt-driven gesture. “Well you do so much for me and everyone else; let me at least do a little something for you in return. It will make me feel better about myself as a man who's got his eyes on eleven other girls”- that is, if you're counting Miss G.

This morning however, it was Jane who showed up with breakfast in bed and an early morning pampering. Did Boma Ye's warming up to Harriet prompt that? It is hard to say but whether this “Harriet-centrism” will go far or not remains to be seen. It will certainly make an interesting story to tell and I will be on the look out for it for your benefit.

For a man to take interest in another woman is not so unusual. The question is whether it is solid or hollow. There are good people and there are wives and they are not always the same thing. What people call marriage material could therefore be a relativity.

If I am allowed an opinion it will be: Girls like Harriet will give a guy like Boma Ye a lot but he will get bored after a while as her style is not challenging enough for his character. He needs a bit of challenge and excitement with a good dose of danger and reckless behavior. So far those have only been coming from Promzy and the ever very present Princy, with the rest only making very feeble attempts.

Changes are certainly coming after the eviction on Sunday and my guess is that it will be Lovely who goes or Boma Ye will be very disappointed. To say I am looking forward to Sunday will be another one of my understatements, but I guess you will have to manage as we both wait for the big day. You will be in a better place if you got your MultiTV digibox now - you get more than Boma Ye as there are also dedicated foreign and local movie channels all for free - it's worth it people!


