Mon, 03 Feb 2025 Religion & Spirituality

You Shall Be Like a Town Built on a Hill this year

You Shall Be Like a Town Built on a Hill this year

I. BELOVED DAUGHTER OF ZION, Grace be unto you and your household this month; you shall be like a town built on a hill; therefore, you cannot be hidden. God has built you as a town on top of a hill; no one can hide you. You are set on the mountaintop for the world to notice you. As a city built on top of a hill, God has set you also as the light of the world from that city on top of the hill. Your light from your city on top of the hill can no longer be hidden, for it was for your benefit and others also. You are on top of that city to provide light to your family, your workplace, your church, your community, and your country; therefore, reflect on your light. Provide that light from the top of the hill to all.

II. MY DEARLY BELOVED SISTERS, do not allow anyone or authority to dim or hide your light, which God has set on top of the hill to provide illumination to those downhill. Put your light on the candlestick now! Anyone who attempts to put your light under a bowl, let Holy Ghost Fire consume him or her. And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, "If I am a MAN OF GOD, then let fire come down from heaven and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven and consumed him and his fifty". Beloved, this year let us invoke the power of God. Let us stand in the gap and fight on. It is time to invoke the power of God radically to deal with that stubborn situation. We have power through Christ Jesus to control and take authority.

III. BELOVED SISTER AND MY DEAR BROTHER, it is time to declare and take a stand, to call on the name of the Lord. It is time for us to enter boldly the world around us and show the power of God. Brethren, it is time to call on the God who answers by fire to respond to those questions from the world. You cannot answer that call; hand it over to the Lord, who can answer by fire to respond to them. It is time to let him be God in control of your whole affairs once more. It is time to invoke the POWER OF GOD RADICALLY. Let us move away from the spirit of timidity; it is not Christlike. We don’t serve a timid God; we serve a radical God. The Omnipotent God has given us the spirit of power and sound mind to confront the world.

IV. SON OF MAN as the Lord set you on the top of the hill as a city, you are to serve as an example to the world. A city set on the hill also provides leadership. A city set on the hilltop is also fortified and defensive against the enemy. A city set on top of the hill is also watchful and vigilant at all times. Let us walk and behave as a city on top of the mountain; this month the LORD will bless us, keep us, make His face shine upon us, be gracious unto us, lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace. The LORD Jehovah is the only one who can bless us; He is our preserver, our provider, our caretaker, and our peace giver, for this is a DIVINE MESSAGE OF POWER sent forth through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and serves the Brethren through God's Vessel Francis Ameyibor, Yes! We have a heritage in Jesus Christ, let us radically march forward through the power of the Holy Ghost this month.

V. 2025 MY YEAR FOR MY STAR TO RISE FOR THE WORLD TO NOTICE—six things doth the LORD hate, yea, seven are an abomination unto him: I. a proud look, II. a lying tongue, III. hands that shed innocent blood, IV. a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, V. feet that be swift in running to mischief, VI. a false witness that speaketh lies, and VII. one that soweth discord among brethren.

PRAYER: God bless you for receiving His word with gladness, and Lord, let the mantle of Elijah fall on us this month through Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

REF: Matthew 5: 13-16
I Kings 18:24
II Kings 1:10-18
Proverbs 6:16-19
Numbers 6:22-27
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