I. PRECIOUS FRIEND, watch out for the cloud is moving, and God's glory is filling your TABERNACLE this month. Watch out for the midnight change of spiritual atmosphere. And at midnight Paul and Silas noticed the change in the heavenly elements, the movement of clouds, so they changed their prayer topics and burst into singing praises unto God. And the other prisoners heard them. Their faith was in action. Let us watch the element this month, for it will change for our good. Let us not sleep while the elements are changing for our good. For suddenly there shall be a great earthquake so that the foundations of any prison withholding us shall be shaken, and immediately all the doors shall open, and our bands shall loosen. Begin to change your prayer topics to activate the word of God.
II. Daughter of Zion, this month the word of God shall become flesh, and it will manifest in your life through that great earthquake to set you free, to get you out of the sick bed, to restore you once again, and to revive you. The foundation of that prison shall be shaken to force the doors open on their own accord, and the chains shall fall off from their hands. What is the evidence of your faith in God? What is your testimony? May the world tremble as we put our faith to work. Through activation of the word, may the world ask, "What must I do to be saved? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.". Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Begin to act on the word; your faith must produce fruits physically.
III. Son of Man, your faith, which is in the spiritual realm, must manifest in the physical realm for men to see and give glory to God. When you hear the ‘Nehemiahs’ of our time, let us not become weapons of distractions. A Nehemiah has risen in your family, community, company, and movement; you are that Nehemiah; speak to the people what God has told you. Speak to the people the WORD of God. It is time to say, let us rise up and build. When they heard God's WORD from Nehemiah, they strengthened their hands for the good works. Let us join hands for the task before us. Let us depart from laziness and set out to work, and God's hand shall be upon us. When God's hand is upon you, success will be your lot; you cannot fail because of those DIVINE hands holding you. SET OUT! FOR GOD IS WITH YOU; TAKE THAT BOLD STEP OF FAITH NOW.
IV. My Beloved Sisters and Dear Brothers in the Lord, this month be careful of the Sanballats, Tobiahs, and Geshem. They have heard that the hand of God is upon you. They have heard that you intend to move upwards; they have heard that you intend to mobilize the people to build. They have heard that you are pregnant. They have heard that you are about to marry; they have heard about your good works. They have heard that the one who was once called BARREN has delivered triplets. They will laugh to scorn and despise your mission because they are short-sighted. Sister, they will mock and ridicule you and the mission but don't give up trust in the one who commissioned you. They will sing out, WHAT IS THIS THING THAT YE DO? TO THEM THE MISSION IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT THROUGH GOD ALL THINGS SHALL WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD. this is a DIVINE PROPHETIC DECLARATION sent forth through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and serves the Brethren through God's Vessel Francis Ameyibor. Yes! Now the God of patience and consolation grants you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus.
V. 2025 MY YEAR FOR MY STAR TO RISE FOR THE WORLD TO NOTICE—Our faith must produce physical evidence.
PRAYER: May the Lord empower us to watch the changes around us, may the Lord strengthen us to stand firm in the face of any earthquake, and may the Lord deliver us from any prison, physical or spiritual, to His honour and glory through Christ Jesus’ name. Amen!
REF: James 2:14:26
Isaiah 40:31
II Corinthians 1:3&4
John 14:16
Romans 15:5
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