I. Dearly beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, grace be unto you all. Beloved, as we progress in the days of the first month of the year, through the direction of the Holy Spirit, I re-echoed the profound question the Apostle Paul asked the Galatians: O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? Beloved, who has cast an evil spell on you? Why have you forsaken your first love? Why have you departed from upholding the truth? Why are you sacrificing the truth for a porridge of porridge? Who has bewitched you? We must reflect on this profound and provocative question posed by the Apostle Paul as we embark on our spiritual journey through this year. We must confront the reality of deception and the danger of being led astray from the truth. The world is adopting innovative and persuasive means to lure people to accept falsehood as truth. Let us be vigilant; if not, we may be bewitched.
II. Son of man, to fully appreciate the significance of Paul's question, we must understand the context in which it was asked. The Galatian church was facing a severe crisis, as false teachers had infiltrated their midst, spreading a distorted gospel that emphasized works over faith. Today, we are facing the same crisis; we are confronted daily with enticing messages to lure us into doing what is wrong. What is evil and unacceptable has been given different interpretations to make it acceptable. Conditionalities have been attached to what is evil for us to accept it. Who is bewitching you? False teachers had bewitched the Galatians, leading them away from the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. Today false teachers have invaded our communities through the medium of modern technology, leading many astray. Today, many have replaced the word of God with other gospels. Today many are being told to live a life contrary to God's word. Today, many are confused as to what constitutes evil, what is wrong, and what is truth. Today’s world does not know what the truth is. Who is bewitching us?
III. Daughter of Zion so, what does it mean to be bewitched? Bewitchment is a state of being under the influence of a false or misleading idea, doctrine, or spirit. It is a condition where one's perception of reality is distorted, leading to a departure from the truth. As believers, we must be aware of the symptoms of bewitchment, which include a gradual or sudden departure from the fundamental teachings of the Bible. A distorted or twisted understanding of biblical doctrine, often leading to a works-based salvation. A blind obedience to false teachers or leaders, without questioning or critically evaluating their teachings. A state of spiritual complacency, where one becomes lukewarm or apathetic towards the things of God. Brethren, this year, for our stars to rise and for many to notice it, we must liberate ourselves from those bewitchments. We must move away from things that easily lure us away from the Lord and land us into sinful ways.
IV. My Beloved Sisters and Dear Brothers so, brethren, let us break away from bewitchment. Let us return to the fundamental teachings of the Bible and hold fast to the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. Test all teachings, doctrines, and spirits against the Word of God, and reject anything that does not align with Scripture.
Cultivate spiritual discernment, seeking wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Maintain spiritual vigilance, being watchful and alert to the schemes of the enemy. Beloved, the question "Who has bewitched you? is a timely and timeless reminder of the dangers of deception and the importance of spiritual discernment. This is a DIVINE WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT sent forth through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and served to the brethren through God's Vessel, Francis Ameyibor. Yes! As believers, we must be vigilant, holding fast to the truth and rejecting anything that does not align with the pure gospel of Jesus Christ.
V. 2025 MY YEAR FOR MY STAR TO RISE FOR THE WORLD TO NOTICE —Be vigilant and pray, so that you may not enter into temptation.
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the warning and wisdom in Your Word. Help us to be spiritually discerning, to test all teachings and doctrines against Your truth, and to maintain spiritual vigilance. Protect us from the enemy's schemes, and keep us grounded in the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ's name, we pray. Amen.
REF: Galatians 3:1
Matthew 26:41-42
Exodus 20:3-5
James 4:4-5
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