I. My Dear Brethren in the Lord, as we gradually warm up into this new year, I encourage you to be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. To accomplish our daily task, we must be persistent, unwavering, and committed to our main goals for the day. We must also avoid being tossed about by the wind easily; we therefore need to deepen our roots to stand firm on solid ground. Deepen your roots through knowledge and understanding in your business, in your faith, and in your physical and spiritual persuasions. Remember that the Lord hath made us kings and priests. We must deepen our roots in order to rule with wisdom and understanding. As kings and queens, we must exercise our authority according to God’s order. As kings and queens, we need stability to flourish in the work of God. Our duty is to God and mankind; let us commit to our individual and collective calling as we reign.
II. My Beloved Sisters, as kings and queens, we must seek wisdom and understanding to rule in accordance with God’s purposes for enthroning us on the royal throne. We must understand that we are not just mere mortals, struggling to survive in this chaotic world. No, we are destined through the power of God for greatness! We are called to reign as kings and queens, to exercise dominion over the earth, and to bring glory to our God. We have been given authority and power to rule over the earth, to bring order and justice to a world that desperately needs it. It means that we are ambassadors of God's kingdom, representing His interests and advancing His agenda. We all have our territories to rule, we have subjects to exercise authority over, and we are mandated to do good to all manner of people we come into contact with and not to harm them. Let us be good kings and queens in our small quarters and spread it across to the rest of the world. Are you exercising your authority to bring order and justice to the people around you?
III. Daughter of Zion, as kings and queens, our authority is from God Himself. It is God who elected us into positions of kingship and queenship. We are daily accountable to God. As kings and queens, we must rule through wisdom and discern right from wrong and make informed decisions to the benefit of our subjects and to the glory of God, who is the appointing authority. As kings and queens, we must have courage, standing firm in the face of adversity and opposition. A king or a queen must have compassion, showing mercy and kindness to those under his care. The journey may not always be smooth; our subjects sometimes may rise to stone us, sometimes our lieutenants may desert us, and we may be left alone, but we must be courageous. Sometimes the storms may be boisterous, and the night dark and lonely. Sometimes we may face dangerous and fearful situations, but in all these things do not give up, for God has commanded you to be of good courage.
IV. Son of man, for the world to see the difference as our stars rise this year and give glory to God, we must rule with justice, upholding what is right and fair. We must protect the vulnerable, defending the weak and the innocent. We must advance God's kingdom, spreading the Gospel and making disciples. We must not only demand from others to do the right thing; we must always, as the elect of God, do what is good and just. This is a DIVINE WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT sent forth through the Authority and Power of Christ Jesus and served to the brethren through God's Vessel, Francis Ameyibor. Yes! Beloved, we have a divine mandate to fulfil and must take our responsibilities seriously. Let us rise, take our rightful place, and reign as kings and queens.
V. 2025 MY YEAR FOR MY STAR TO RISE FOR THE WORLD TO NOTICE — But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained ...
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the divine mandate to reign as kings. We ask for wisdom, courage, and compassion as we fulfil our responsibilities. Help us to rule with justice, protect the vulnerable, and advance Your kingdom. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
REF: Revelation 5:10
1 Corinthians 15:58
Revelation 1:6-8
1 Peter 2:9
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