I. Daughter of Zion, grace be unto you and your household. As we set boldly into this month of spiritual warfare, be careful what you say and do. Deception on the battlefield is a dangerous weapon that could lead to fatalities. In the spiritual realm also, deception alienates us from God. In the body of Christ, deception destroys the church. Deception is dangerous; avoid it and save your life. Deception destroys one’s image, and people lose trust in a deceptive person. The early church experienced a remarkable time of unity, growth, and spiritual power. However, amidst this flourishing community, a couple, Ananias and Sapphira, made a grave mistake by deceiving them to make a name for themselves. Their actions serve as a stark reminder of the seriousness of deceiving the Holy Spirit. Who are you deceiving today? Who do you intend to deceive? Remember, it has consequences. Are you ready to pay the prize for deception?
II. Son of Man, the actions of Ananias and Sapphira's decision to lie about their offering resulted in immediate and severe consequences. Why do you intend to lie? It is not a simple act of lying to your fellow, friend, co-worker, spouse, or your people. As believers, the act of lying is not just a minor mistake but a direct affront to the Holy Spirit. You have not lied to men but to God Himself. The Holy Spirit is not just a passive observer but an active participant in our lives who is always present in our daily affairs. When we lie, we move away from the presence of God to become agents of the devil, who is noted for lies. The Holy Spirit daily guides, convicts, and empowers us to live a life pleasing to God; therefore, any act of deception is equivalent to resisting the work of the Holy Spirit in us, and we in turn grieve Him. Lying disarms the Holy Spirit from working in our lives. Lying hinders the fulfillment of our prayers.
III. My Beloved Sisters and Dear Brothers, this month let us be watchful of what we say or do. The story of Ananias and Sapphira serves as a warning to us to examine our hearts and actions. We must be truthful and transparent in our dealings with God and others. Just before you say it, pose and reflect. Ask yourself: Is it worth it to lie? What will I gain immediately for lying? What are the long-term consequences? Are you ready to face and live with the long-term effects of your lies today? The consequences of deceiving the Holy Spirit are severe, and we must not take His grace for granted. Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his or her tongue from evil and his or her lips from deceitful speech. Scripture reminds us that no one who practices deceit will dwell in the house of the Lord, and all those who speak falsely will not stand in God’s presence. Check your heart before you enter into the presence of God.
IV. Precious in the Lord, the book of Proverbs teaches us that false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish. The story of Ananias and Sapphira affirms this scripture, as they died immediately after lying. It reflects the gravity of deceiving the Holy Spirit. The act of lying goes beyond who we thought we were deceiving; it has spiritual ramifications. Many have crucified their relationship through acts of lying. Many have lost opportunities and continue to live in perpetual regret for an act of deception. Many have lost job offers or been sacked from jobs for lying. Many are living with the guilt of lying, which led to the death of some innocent ones. This is a DIVINE KINGDOM-FOCUSED FOOD sent forth through the authority and power of Christ Jesus and served to the brethren through God's Vessel. Francis Ameyibor, Yes! May we heed this warning and cultivate a heart of honesty, integrity, and reverence for the Holy Spirit's work in our lives.
V. 2024 MY YEAR TO ENCOUNTER DIVINE BREAKTHROUGH - Let us seek to please God in all we do, knowing that the Holy Spirit is always present, guiding and convicting us.
PRAYER: Amen! May the message of truth and integrity resonate in our hearts, and may we always seek to please God in all we do. May the Holy Spirit guide and convict us, leading us to live a life of honesty, transparency, and reverence for Him. Amen!
REF: Acts 5:1-11
I Peter 3:10
Psalms 101:7
Proverbs 19:9
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