Foremost advocate of internet safety and convener of "say NO to internet abuse campaign," Rotimi Onadipe, has said cybercrime, online scams and other online dangers will reduce in our society if online safety is included as a subject in our primary and secondary schools.
Speaking during a weekly broadcast on internet safety which took place on Saturday at internet safety awareness center, Ibadan, Onadipe explained why many people keep falling victim to online dangers, despite several warnings by experts.
According to the cyber safety advocate, any time the word "online danger" is mentioned, the first thing that comes to the mind of many people is cybercrime, unknown to them that online danger is beyond just cybercrime but also includes other immoral and dangerous behaviour like cyber bullying, cyber-sex addiction, online pornography addiction, online gaming addiction, misinformation or disinformation on social media, sending of sexually explicit text messages, pictures, videos, among others.
"The major reason why many people keep falling victim to different kinds of online dangers of today's digital age is because of lack of sufficient awareness and education about internet safety.
"We must be informed that youths and young children are the most vulnerable to online dangers and we have important roles to play in making sure they are protected against online dangers, irrespective of our profession, status, tribe or location.
"I am using this opportunity to appeal to relevant stakeholders to do the needful so that internet safety is included as a subject in primary and secondary schools. This will give our youths and young children the opportunity to have sufficient awareness and education about internet safety earlier and they will be able to protect themselves and others against many online risks," Onadipe added.