
How Can You Save Money on Your Electricity, Water, and Gas in Ghana?

Home & Food How Can You Save Money on Your Electricity, Water, and Gas in Ghana?
OCT 21, 2019 LISTEN

It is everyone's social responsibility to save energy in Ghana even when the government has made it available in plenty. Saving energy is a huge part of environmental conservation measures. That is why you will be playing a significant role in conserving the environment when you save on water, electricity, and gas. The energy sector in Ghana has expanded over the years, and the government has been lauded for putting measures to reduce utility tariffs; however, there is still a need to save more by cutting more on utility usage.

Cutting on your utility usage will also significantly cut on your expenditure. You will be in a position to save more and channel the extra money to other important projects. Here are a few tips on how you can save money on your electricity, water, and gas bills.

Saving on Electricity
You can cut down on your electricity bills, and save money by either of the following ways;

Change your Light Bulbs
Using bulbs such as fluorescent bulbs can help you save on electricity as they consume 75% less energy than most of the other incandescent light bulbs.

Switch off Electrical Appliances If Not in Use
Appliances such as radios and televisions consume electricity even when not switched on.

Regulate Electricity Guzzlers
Excessive use of fridges and freezers, heaters, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers, hairdryers, and other energy-hungry appliances consume a lot of electricity. Avoiding or regulating their use can be a boost in saving you money.

Use Natural Light During the Day
Take advantage of the natural light during the day instead of using electrical lamps and lights.

Consider Energy-efficient Appliances
When considering replacing or buying new appliances, go for those that are energy-efficient.

Keep your House Warm by Installing a Ceiling Insulation Fibre
Instead of powering a heater to keep the house warm, consider installing a ceiling insulation fibre. You can talk to your electrician for installation services.

Working with a professional electrician will help you explore more ways of saving on your electricity bills.

Saving on Water
Water bills could not be the most expensive utility in your home. However, reducing water spending could add significantly to your savings. Here is how you can save on water utility;

Use Low-flow Toilets
Using a low-flow or low-pressure toilet minimises the amount of water used in a toilet at a go. You can also replace the current toilet system with a low-flow one. If installing a low-flow toilet stretches your budget beyond what you can afford, you can add some weight to the toilet tank to serve the same objective.

Wash your dishes by hand
Using a dishwasher for your utensils costs more energy, compared to washing by hand. Try not to use to much hot water with pre-cleaning the dishes, and use a bowl.

Minimise Shower Time
An average shower consumes approximately 2 gallons of water per minute. The more you stay in the shower, the more you will spend significant amounts of water, which translates to high water bills.

Use High-efficiency Washing Machines
Ordinary washing machines will, on average, spend 50 litres more than a high-efficiency washing machine in a single wash.

Inspect your Faucets for Leaks
Check out for possible drips and leaks on your faucets. Faucets, toilets, and dishwashers are subject to potential leaks once in a while, which might result in loss of considerable amounts of water.

Install Faucet Aerators
Faucet aerators, usually installed at the tip of the water faucet, are used to regulate the flow of water without necessarily affecting the water pressure.

Saving on Gas
Gas bills can be extremely high compared to any other household utility bill. Here are some strategies on how you can cut on your gas bills;

Wash your Clothes with Cold Water

Using heated water to wash your clothes only increases your gas bills. Using cold water to do your laundry will help you save on money while your clothes remain clean.

Service your Gas Appliances Regularly
Servicing your gas appliances helps you to keep them in check from breakdowns or leakages, which increase gas bills.

Upgrade your Gas Appliances
Highly-efficient gas appliances are reliable in minimising gas usage. Every appliance comes with an energy efficiency label that provides a rating on their capacity to save on energy, always go for appliances that use less gas.

Install a Smart Thermostat
A smart thermostat will give you control over the central heating system that is gas-powered. You are also in a position to track your gas usage over time.

Reduce your Hot Shower Time.
Hot showers can significantly add to your gas bills. Reducing your time on hot showers can help you in cutting on your gas bills. You can also install a low-flow showerhead for similar results.
