
The Examiner 1

By Ishmael Adjei Kofi
The Examiner 1
19.02.2019 LISTEN

Memory Verse: Jeremiah 17:10 NLT

"But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”

Praise God, today is yet another beautiful day. Express gratitude toward God for granting us another opportunity to live once more. Since we are alive today, we can roll out any fundamental changes in our lives so we can live to satisfy the Lord in all that we do.

Our God searches hearts and examines secret motives. Meaning nothing we do or plan is hidden from Him. I have learned through experience not to keep things to myself whiles acting towards my dealings with others. Whatever is kept from men is open before God. God will bring rewards to men even when they made their motives secret.

God searches our hearts. Our hearts determine our flow in life. The heart of man is the man himself. The things we do are as a result of what is placed in our hearts. Out of it are the issues of life. A good heart is a good man.

The heart determines our health. A good heart is a good health. Not everything we allow to stay in our hearts. There are things that stay in our hearts but becomes poison. We must not allow those things in our heart.

Take note of the statement properly, "But I, the Lord, search all hearts". Every heart is before God. It includes mine and yours. Before the Lord searches your heart, you also have the opportunity to search your own heart and repent from every evil, because at the end the Lord will bring due reward. A due reward is a deserved reward. I pray we will open our hearts and let go of every evil so we can have a better relationship with the Lord.

Remain blessed.

