
Avoid These 5 Subtle Missteps When Cooking

Home & Food Avoid These 5 Subtle Missteps When Cooking
FEB 11, 2019 LISTEN

The kitchen is a critical piece of the home. If not… try not eating for a day? A lot of activity goes on the kitchen form boiling, cooking, and baking, to cleaning. However, there are some common mistakes people do when they find themselves in the kitchen when cooking and these mistakes will be identified to enable us avoid them anytime we cooking.

Here are five missteps that generally happen in the kitchen, especially with respect to cooking;

  1. Boiling water for a long time to cook

Most people waste time, gas and energy boiling water for long periods just to cook rice or pasta. In cooking rice, egg or pasta, you do not need to wait for the water to boil, You could place them in while it's simmering to boil, so once the boiling process begins, it makes cooking less demanding and quicker. More so you must note that you needn't bother with much water in preparing this dish as they may take long hours and that wouldn’t be good for someone who is eager and sitting tight for your supper to be prepared. Save time, energy and gas.

  1. Overcooking everything

This is mainstream with vegetables and legumes. And that plate of mushy veggies, as “Joy of Cooking” puts it in the “Introduction to Vegetables” section, “is drained of all life force.” When preparing foods that have vegetables or legumes in them, you should make an effort not to overcook them else you literally murder every one of the supplements and vitamins in the food. I remember buying cabbage stew at a food vendor to eat my rice at home. The stew wasn’t so hot as I wanted, so I thought of warming it a little bit, only to realize that the cabbages were as overcooked as tomato sauce. I just couldn’t enjoy the food anymore. Make sure the sauce is properly cooked before putting in your vegetables. Take the banku and okro soup with ayoyo leaves. You realize the soup is cook alright, but with dead nutrients. Obliterating food is a sign of insecure cooking. With skill and experience comes an understanding of when food is cooked properly.

  1. Over-salting everything

Salt gives taste to food, thus do different flavors like Maggie and salted fish. When cooking, you have to be mindful of the use of salt to prevent over salt. You wouldn’t want your guest to have a taste of that salty dish and coming back with a terrible remark. It’s smarter to under salt than over salt everything. However, it's not every food you under salt. There are some foods that request a reasonable amount of salt to taste. The most common mistake home cooks make with steak is under-salting the meat. Be assertive. The salt brings out the flavor of the beef- Eric Veldman Miller, the owner of V. Miller Meats in Sacramento, says.

  1. Consistently following recipes in cookbooks

You have to develop your special art. You can one way or the other look for some recipes online or from a cookbook, but those are just guides to help you with the sequences. Notwithstanding, you would need to flavor up your own specialty in light of the fact that continually following that equivalent formula from the cookbook without your novel creativity may simply get exhausting for your guests as you’re not really cooking until you create your own dishes. For more information on how you can develop your art and create your own recipes, you can read Micheal Ruhlman’s book on “Ratio: The Simple Codes Behind the Craft of Everyday Cooking”.

  1. Always include the measurement rule

With regards to cooking, measurement is everything. You cannot cook with a proper measure or the use of kitchen scales. Think of baking or cooking, you need to weigh your ingredients. Ingredient weighing starts from the beginning to the end. Maintain accuracy gives you the best result of your cooking. For instance, you need to know how many cups of rice you will need to cook for the number of guest present. Without measurement, you would either overcook or undercook.

Catherine Forson Agbo
Catherine Forson Agbo

ContributorPage: CatherineForsonAgbo
