
Recipe: Tasty Gizzard

By Spice By Miss Cookie
Home & Food Photo credit - Spice By Miss Cookie
MAR 19, 2018 LISTEN
Photo credit - Spice By Miss Cookie

1. Wash 1 kilo of Gizzard into a pot.
2. Add 4 tablespoons of the Miss Cookie Meat mix to the washed chicken. Add salt and stock cube if preferred. Set aside for at least 30minutes so that the gizzard can absorb the spices.

3. Add 3 tablesppons of oil to the seasoned gizzard and stir.

4. Place on fire and steam over gentle heat. Liquid will form around the gizzard as it steams.Leave to cook till this water reduces. If the gizzard is still hard when the water reduces, add some more water and cover the pot.

4. When the water around the gizzard disappears, the gizzard will begin to fry because of the oil that was added before steaming. Stir frequently so it doesnt burn as it 'fries'.

5. Add chopped onions and green pepper and stir for 4 minutes.

YUM! Food is ready. Enjoy with fried yam, Kenkey, Banku or rice

Try out the recipe. The Miss Cookie Meat Mix gives superb flavour to the dish.

It's 100% natural. No additives. No preservatives. No MSG.

The Meat mix is a rich blend of Ginger, Onions, Kpakposhito, Chilli Pepper and 8 herbs including Pepre, Rosemary and Nketenketen.

