
6 Things Women Should Never Sacrifice In A Relationship

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24.01.2018 LISTEN

1. Identity
The essence of who you are should never be up for compromise. Your unique personality, your hopes and dreams, should be respected and appreciated by your significant other . If you find yourself feeling like you need to give up the things that make you uniquely you in order to fit into your mate’s lifestyle, then you’re compromising too much of yourself.

2. Family
Family units are never perfect, and the mate is often required to cope with as many of your extended family’s problems as you do. Cutting your family out of your life to satisfy your beau is destructive, and will most certainly lead to you resenting your partner for the loss of these precious family ties. With families, both partners need to realize that the healthy compromise comes in accepting their loved one’s family, flaws and all.

3. Friendships
He doesn’t have to like your friends; after all, they are yours and not his. As long as your friendships are healthy and they add something positive to your life, he should not ask you to give them up for him. Again, you will come to resent him for sacrificing the joy you receive from these important relationships.

4. Morals
The basic moral system which most of us have firmly in place in our psyches should always be respected. Loving someone does not mean absorbing their moral values. If you compromise on these, your conscience will suffer, eventually causing you to resent your partner. Better to find a mate with similar moral values that the two of you can use as a guide throughout your lives.

5. Self-Esteem
Any relationship that makes a woman feel bad about herself is an unhealthy one. If making you feel diminished somehow makes him feel more secure, or if pointing out your faults has become his favorite habit, you need to re-evaluate this person’s place in your life. Perhaps the two of you are a poor match. Perhaps, he is looking for an emotional punching bag. Whatever the case, your loved one should appreciate you, admire things about you, and be supportive. If not, cut him loose before more damage is done.

6. Happiness
Happiness comes in many forms in the course of a lifetime. When you find those people, hobbies, and experiences which bring you genuine joy, your loved one should be supportive of these things in your life. If you feel the need to suppress your desires and needs for the good of the relationship, then you are compromising too much.
