
How Not To Sound Offensive To A Work Colleague Who Is Grieving While Consoling Them

By Whitmore
Career & Money Photo credit - Shutterstock
JAN 16, 2018 LISTEN
Photo credit - Shutterstock

“He’s in a better place.”

The grieving person may not agree with you or want to think of their loved one in a different, albeit better, place. It’s better to keep it simple and say, “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“At least he’s not suffering any more.”

This statement may be perceived as trite or insensitive. You may want to say, "Please know that I am thinking of you." Or if you feel comfortable, offer a warm hug instead.

“How are you?”
It can be difficult for someone to answer a specific question immediately after they have lost a loved one. Consider saying something like, “We’re glad to see you back at work. We’ve all been thinking of you.”

“Call me if there is anything I can do.”

People in grief are usually consumed with emotion, even if they don’t show it. Instead of asking them to make another decision, put yourself in their shoes. Consider what would make their lives easier in this time of grief and offer that specific service. For example, ask, “May I bring you dinner tomorrow night?” or “Would you like to go to lunch with me this week?” Even if the person turns down your offer, your kind friendship will be remembered and will mean more than you know.

“It’s God’s will.”
Often, people think that saying something Biblical is helpful, but it may not. If you are not sure if someone shares your religious views, tread softly with any religious-related comments. Instead, say something special about the deceased, like, “Mary was an extraordinary person and did so many good things for the community. She’ll surely be missed by many.”

“I know how you feel.”
There’s a difference between empathy and sympathy. Empathy is when you understand and feel another’s feelings for yourself because you have experienced those feelings and can put yourself in their shoes. Sympathy is having compassion for a person; acknowledging their hardships and providing comfort and assurance. If you can relate in some way, you may want to briefly share your experience so the person knows you understand how they feel. However, keep the focus on their current loss.

“What really happened?”
Try not to ask too many questions about the details on the cause of death. Getting too personal can be intrusive. The person will share what he or she wants you to know.

Even if you don’t know what to say, it’s important to acknowledge someone’s loss. Saying, “you have my sympathy,” or “I am sorry for your loss,” is appropriate. Or just saying, “I am thinking of you,” is sufficient.
