
6 Habits That Stresses You And How To Avoid Them

Health & Fitness Photo credit - Pinterest
DEC 15, 2017 LISTEN
Photo credit - Pinterest

  • Drink too much caffeineWe aren't going to tell you to stop drinking caffeine altogether — we wouldn't do that to you! But downing several cups of coffee a day can overstimulate you and make you unnecessarily anxious and on edge. So keep the caffeine to a minimum, and try these tips for making your caffeinated drink healthier.

  • Constantly vent — Sometimes sitting down with a friend and letting it all out is exactly what we need. Venting is essential — but only in small doses. If negative things are all you talk about, they are going to be all you think about too. People who are stressed out usually talk excessively about a problem, drag it out, and don't let it go. It's best to rant your rant, get it off your chest, and then be done with it so that whatever was bothering you doesn't bog you down.

  • Obsess over things they can't change — We all need to accept what we can't change, and dwelling on mistakes isn't healthy or beneficial. There is no point worrying about things you most likely can't do anything about. It's best to move on and simply do better next time.

  • Eat food that isn't healthy — Sometimes when we're worried, turning to a giant cheesy pizza or pint of ice cream sounds like the best thing in the world. But feeding stressed feelings usually leaves us worse off, both mentally and physically. If you're tempted to snack while feeling anxious, try foods that may help with anxiety.

  • Get overwhelmed easily — Everyone feels overwhelmed sometimes, but the key is not to get panicked when you realize that you have more to do than you thought you did. Take a deep breath, choose one item on your list to start with, and go from there. Trying to multitask or do parts of things here and there will leave everything half-finished and sloppy.

  • Don't get enough sleep — Sleep deprivation makes you sluggish, cranky, and overall not your best self. Eliminate this contributing factor to stress by trying some tips to help you get the best sleep possible so that you wake up rejuvenated and ready to go! If you're feeling crafty, you can try making this DIY sleep spray.
