
How To Manage Kerosene Poisoning

By Sandip Daberao
Health & Fitness Photo credit - SlideShare
NOV 1, 2017 LISTEN
Photo credit - SlideShare

Common treatment for kerosene poisoning
The first line of treatment for patients with kerosene poisoning is stabilization of the airways. For a patient who has severe respiratory distress or a decreased level of consciousness, early intubation and mechanical ventilation are required. Permanent lung damage can occur, if kerosene gets into the lungs.

Gastric lavage is avoided. In case of massive kerosene poisoning, a cuffed end tracheal tube is used. After lavage, small amount of magnesium or sodium sulphate is left behind in the stomach.

In case of dermal exposure, affected skin should be decontaminated as soon as possible.

When poisoning is via ocular exposure, the patient should be moved from the area of exposure, contact lenses removed and the affected eye should be irrigated immediately with water or 0.9% saline for at least 10-15 minutes.

Most commonly, in severe cases antibiotics like penicillin G and Kanamycin are prescribed.

Prevention of kerosene poisoning
As a primary preventive care following things should be taken into consideration:

  • Contact numbers of the nearest hospitals and doctors should be maintained in contact list/diary.
  • Household kerosene should be kept away from children’s reach.
  • The word poison should be exhibited prominently on the containers of kerosene.
  • Kerosene oil should not be stored in tumblers or beverage bottles.


  • Majority of these patients become normal.
  • In a small number of patients, there is an increased incidence of respiratory infections and abnormal lung function.
