
Nil Dariar Prem author condemn British Diplomatic for 'LGBT' in Ghana.

By Abdul Haye Amin
Author Nil Dariar Prem author condemn British Diplomatic for 'LGBT' in Ghana.
Nil Dariar Prem author condemn British Diplomatic for 'LGBT' in Ghana.

Bilingual Author Abdul Haye Amin regrets and sympathise after hearing the news of 'LGBT' and condemn 'Her Britannic Majesty's' The British Government Diplomatic for supporting 'LGBT' (Homosexuality), In the States of Ghana, once was under the colony of British Government. The Land of “He-Sa-Ru-Hu-Lul-La-He”—(R.A), - mean (Jesus Christ) beloved father [Allah].

Almost 163 years ruled and Governed 'Sub-Continent of India' in written history even today the British Minister(s) hardly cannot read, writes or communicates in Language Bangla nor in English the Holy Bible the British Authority of the States expect foreign immigrant to read, write, and communicate in Language English today here approved by supporting Illegitimate nature in [our] domiciles Kingdom of Almighty, Lord.

Day before Yesterday may be was under the British Government Today here in Ghana. Interfering other Country moral Rights, Dignity, Heritage, Identities and Culture in Revelation from foreign Country far from Buckingham palace, United Kingdom.

As in 1905 partition of Bay of Bengal, duration of British colonial [ruling] power with sharp 'Indian Gourmet' knife size no: 26-786, through the heart of 'Sub-Continent of India' author's Abdul Haye Amin and the peoples Instead of 'Scotland' and 'Wales' liberated as a independent Country in the nation the nearest of all interfering far from for partition of Bay of Bengal in the years age of ignorance 1905.

Now in Ghana interfering the Country when British Government lost their own Identities colour of Heritage and Culture legalise 'LGBT' by ignoring the our Lord 'Jesus Christ' Instructions claiming not only civilized and most trustworthy in the nation.

According to British Medical Board and under the prescribed tablet 'Seroxat' and under the symptoms 'Auditory hallucination' under the condition 'Voice' the British Medical Board advice given to the patients the 'Fresh green salad' –(Ritual/Namaj/Worship/Salat), to be taken Five Times a Days is good for members of public's health and environment we live in.

But the medical advice fall into deaf ears and blinds Minister(s) heartless heart never accept terms of condition as laid by Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible as follows:

8 “Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do, this to your brothers and sisters. 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom, (As a States British Ministers), of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offender's men who have sex with men10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God”. – [1 Corinthians 6: 8--12].

Where the British Conservative Government David Cameron newly married his own brother, the Liberal Democratic Leader to form the new Conservative Government after almost fourteen years in the street of politic after Margret Thatcher, Government says “Ban Muslim”—(Evening Standard, Front page: 04/10/2006).

Finally the passion of sinful desire the British Government Ministers legalized;

'A man can marry, another man, and woman can marry, another woman'

The British Minister(s) thinks every one has same tastes as their own Country some thing to be proud of in Ghana too the illegitimate colour of Revelation in modern society British authority going to rule in Ghana.

By ignoring the Religious Representatives message given us all in the Holy Bible the romantic love songs “Allahu Akbar” five Times a days. The most Romantic love song's can hear in Islamic Muslims States instead of in Jesus Christ Land. In medical Science Languages under the symptoms 'Schizophrenia' condition known as 'Visual Hallucination' under the prescribed tablet, “Seroxat or Zyprexa”

“Hearing, seeing, sensing thing which is not there?”

According to British Medical Board, the East London, Mental Health, Medical Professional, St. Clement Green ward, Hospital, Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr. E. Palazidou's says, it's good's news for 'Nistur Bandhu' and for the sufferers the waves of sounds of “Allahu Akbar” wake up those who are forgotten almighty Lord and it goods for the patients those who suffering symptoms of Dementia, and or the 'Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder' the critical symptoms after cancers.

The Occupational Therapists for 'Music and (BSMT), sound therapy' use most music's and or song's the sound therapy to cure the disorder of victim of schizophrenia a disease which make most mental health illness patients acting as a deaf often unable to “hear" or tell the different between real and unreal in real life experiences, however, sounds of music bring memory back into reality says Nistur Bandhu's.

Thousands of members of public have seen crying as orphanage children in the 'Nuro-Disability Unit' Hospital alone without Treatment of any kinds. Due to lack of knowledge in Revelation in Culture members of public's fall into blind 'Oceans of Love' and committed [Sin] crime offences against the Law of the Almighty Lord. GHANA Country fighting against for.

Too many to mentioned States Prime Ministers, Ministers, Diplomatic, authors, writers and Doctors write articles in the morning in national press and in the evening local news paper under the members of public's feet.

Next morning they don't know what they have [yesterday] written that cost tax payers million of euro dollar, (Taka) pounds to clean the street from members of public feet's. Where poor Country like Africa, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh duties remains to clean the street by almighty Lord have to clean either by instead of [holy] but Monsoon water. Or give extremes hot climates to void University Graduates writers into writing articles having the Holy Bible at the point of local Churches to read only book Holy Bible free of charge. To Rule and Govern the own Country. But local Church Priest alone crying empty churches to busy watching and sharing formers British Home secretary, Rt. Hon, Jacqui Smith, M.P. the pornographic Internet sites. Which cost in fine members of British public's ten pound in cost?

Unfortunately, Island of Guernsey, Evening Press and Star Editor, predicted in advance mentioned, under name 'Nil Dariar Prem' author.

“The idea was to find the silliest 'RULE' that people stuck to because it was more than their job was worth not to”—(Guernsey Evening Press & Star).

What is mean by 'Silliest Rule' that people stuck to? Today the GHANA authorities may have answers where the author is known total failure in Tower Hamlet in the name of Lord?

The only Holy Bible never heard or seen in the nation under the members of public's feet's in the street. And it's UK Duty Tax and 17.5% V.A.T. free to read by any ones regardless of Culture or nationalities are where National news paper cost us to pay to read. Now digital Internet invaded our nation home per 'Friendship click of a finger' (0.75) seventy five pence those who advertise in Internet Computer.

Almighty God made so easy for us to click of a Computer we can communicate from Ghana to England within second when at least took us six month to know the colour of 'Her Britannic Majesty's' lipstick and Mini-skirts she was ever wearing today it doesn't take six second to know.

Thanks to Alexander Graham Bell's for inventing Telecommunication to leave us all lazy and to claim social funds D.L.A. benefits. By allowing illegitimate editors to publish pornographic naked man or woman in local press and in internet that cost British Secretary of States Millions of pounds every financial year and individual's victims of crimes in psychical health.

When members of authorized Ghana official's authority of the States fighting against the illegitimate nature of 'LGBT' in the Land of not his or her but their own feet's to demolish the illegitimate nature of 'LGBT' in Ghana. The British Government is there to support the 'LGBT' Illegitimate new Culture yet to over take GHANA.

Regrets and sympathise, the British Diplomatic, Mr. Stephen O' Brien, U.K. Minister for Africa Deployments for calling:

“Respect for the Rights of homosexuality in Ghana”

The nation knows Africa is second to none biggest Continent but due to unfortunate circumstances many part of Africa became worse than any writers can describe to improve the life of human being and society they live in. In memory of Prophet Solomon conflict with none-Muslims Queen “Bil-Kis-Rani” the Africa Country authorized Government officials should consider in the name of Lord not in the name of “United Nation” 'Human Rights' or any kinds but to over come the Country difficulties most Africa States and the Country facing our daily life in the name of:

Mean in English:
“In the name of Almighty Lord, (Allah), the most merciful and most beneficial of mankind”

British Diplomat kindly keep your own free packets of N.H.S. condoms and distant a way from Ghana Authorities of the States those who are fighting for 'LGBT' to demolish in the Kingdom of Almighty Lord, under the 'Human Rights' Ghana seen the mistakes many Generations of Culture were ruined by 'Human Rights' policy, instead of 'Holy Bible' – [Matthew: 5: 17—21Sura: Yasin] Law.

Let Ghana Authority of States decides wrongs and rights in Law with copy of own Holy Bible those who believe in their own Almighty Lord Representatives. British Ministers Go back to Bonn, City, Germany, with your counter part German interior minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said Islam “does not belong” in Germany'. Forest, as British Education Secretary of States mentioned 'Apes and Monkeys' became human being; they belong to the Zoo or in the forest where the nation was once against Hitler there is name of 'Mohammad'—(Saw).

Where you will see with your own eyes Lord Jesus Christ Father out of ninety nine names written in the forest in Language Arabic;

--“Mo-Ham-Ma-Dur-Ra-Su-Lul-La”—(Prophet Mohammad. The Lord Jesus Christ Friend).

The Islamic Declaration of Faith Virtue/Kalima. Discovered age of ignorance written by Non-Muslims Romans Empire, in Gold Coin in Language Arabic held by British Government in British Library.

The spoken word fourteen hundreds years ago nation fooled the Jesus Christ friend [Prophet]—[John: 16: 5—16] - 'Mohammad'-(Saw), for proclaiming the right to adopt the Law of the Almighty Lord. Today his name written not on papers but in the forest? Who is the second to none poorest author or the writers to write his own name instead of on paper but in the forest?'

I wish I was Diplomatic Ministers without any questions I would suicide my self with my own ties on by seeing the colour of truth written in the forest, once again the British Medical Board says;

“Hearing, seeing, sensing things which are not there?”

...Is it 'there?'
Prescribed British tablet 'Zyprexa' to be taken five to times a days. Where Holy Bible Quran says “Oddos-Ho” –means 'visual Hallucination' the warning sign from almighty Lord, (Sura: Al-Bakaraho: 2—6: & 30: Matthew: 13: 13—24). To the Mental Health patients alone.

Under the British immigration Nationality 1971 Act, under section 26 (1) (c) to make a statement or representation which you know to be false or do not believe to be true. & Under the Public Order 1936 Act.

Crime against humanity, 'Her Britannic Majesty's' and her Government the British Diplomatic and those who share the glory of 'LGBT' should be arrested under the International and their own Law and under the 'Nil Doriar Prem' – (Oceans of Love), The Book of Bangla poetry, By Abdul Haye Amin, under the ISBN, — [Matthew: 12: 39—43] in the Court of justice in memory of Prophet our Prophet.

As mentioned for give advice to the Authority of the states of Ghana for supporting 'LGBT' and legalizing 'LGBT' in the United Kingdom. To prevent British authority of the States official's further practices and exercises immoral activity in the name of 'Human Rights' in the Kingdom of not his or her but almighty, [Revelation: 1—8] Lord.

The British Government leave nothing in history to remain as sign of token of love as European Country, Portugal, 'Manoel Da Assumpcam' the first man to writes the Language 'Bangla' after almost three century not only Language but Country, by name 'Bangla--desh'. Almost fourteen million peoples and around the worlds gone crazy for Language 'Bangla 'even United Nation officially declared.

The Authorities of the States from British Government in Ghana to legalise the 'LGBT' (Na-Wo-Zu-Bil-La), May almighty God bless the peoples [] of Ghana and the Authorities of the States from devil and evil;


British Ministers those who never heard of Holy Bible or Churches in England. And save the peoples of Ghana as in history Prophet Noah and Baby (Moses) Mosa. May Lord as medically spoken word 'Visual Hallucination' bless in the light of your true path of Journey those who fight for the Right to establish in the Land of Almighty Lord truth and never wash away as Tsunami 2004 cyclones nothing was remain to treasure on earth [] but only Mosques/Churches. My dear almighty Lord your punishment of prosecution we bear never to ignore in earth as an individual's we may be in a nation.

British Ministers Please kindly pay visit to local Sunday Churches not only 'Friday national Jumma'. Peoples goes to Language School to learn lesson how to maintain the way from primary School to Graveyard not in 'Mental Health Hospital' the last destiny on earth to govern within mean of appointed Lord Representatives given us the gifts or presents the holy Bible and or the Quran not to act as British Education Secretary of States Stated 'Apes and Monkey' became human being by any mean in the Kingdom of Almighty Lord, not Sir or Madam but your honour?

Nil Dariar Prem' Author trust in the name of Lord Ghana authority of the States, members of public's will maintain within mean of their appointed almighty Lord, we members of public's cannot bears to afford to run with 'Human Rights' policy or financially sound Country like British Government to fall into “Nil Dariar Prem' the 'Oceans of Love' to legalise 'LGBT?'

By Bilingual Author Abdul Haye Amin.

Copyright © 2010 Abdul Haye Amin.

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