15.07.2011 Religion

“By your Name?”

By Abdul Haye Amin
By your Name?Wales
15.07.2011 LISTEN

“By your Name?”
“By your Name?”
“My Lord I heard your another by name “MERCY”
Other than your name,
I never heard by name any human being?
Your name tastes sweet as honey;
By your name I heard stone's melt as white as snows!

Seven storeys Hindu Religion Government building was demolished into pieces,

Sound of 'Allahu Akbar'
In the District of Sylhet.
By your name I heard Fire never alights by any cost?

In history Prophet Ibrahim was tested by,
By your name I heard far as skies no one ever hurts or harms by?

By your name I heard sound in my deaf ears sweet as honey?

By your name far as four corner of sub-Continent,
No one ever will be punished by your blind love?
Medically known 'Laser Treatment'
Nine month old Russian boy body your “NAME” was written,

The Russian medical board says after seeing the colour of truth,

'No answers?'
By leaving your name not on my heart but nine month old boy body?

I cry for those who are in 'Intensive Care Unit' my Lord!

For your immediate medical attention,
Forgive them for their mistaken Judgement but cure them.

Please leave me not to search anyone else by other name in my life?

Bonn, City, Germany, Forest, the only 'Sign's of your love!

Your name I ever heard first and to be known by last!

Your name leaves me to wonder how to reach not,
E.E.C, Germany Forest but far from sky?
I wish I was Birds I ever can fly!
My Lord leaves me not to wonder front my bedroom wall mirror,

In your name let me think nothing but your love.
Without known seeds and inks,
“I Love You”
In this cruel world other than your name?
I was born to search no one but to leaves sign's of my Lord.

Your Love shows us far from human heart but in the Jungles.

Please my Lord don't Judge me by my colour of skins or by cast!

Your name “MERCY” written not on my heart!!!
Discovered by medical board in Arabic sentence,

Nothing but recite your name on my lips!
By leaving your name on my screen of heart,
I wonder who my self ever was in this world of lust,

Today I may be proud of my self alone?
Tomorrow My self in doubt where my destiny going to be other than unknown Jungles?

I betrayed my self alone by not knowing you my Lord.

I wish I ever can talk, I wish I can see you my love,

I wish I can dance in your name as often seen waves of oceans of sea!

My Lord 'MERCY' doesn't leave me to cry for your love alone in my entire life!

Your love money can't ever buy on earth?
Your name I never heard in my life any one ever cried but for 'Mercy?'

Tsunami disaster for examples millions of peoples cried for!

Around the world in your name for Mercy?
To save the peoples of Tsunami
Other than begging our Prime Minister(s) of all!
We believe never made any mistake by,
Begging our not Prime Minister(s), but Lord!
Please not my, his or her Lord but your follower(s) of all,

Give second change before Judgement days of Tsunami,

To treasure in love your “Name” not the Mosque, (Churches)

Nation witness nothing was there to Treasure in smiles other than the Mosque!

But to Cry for your Love,
By your name I shall not search into digital Internet for truth?

By your name miles away touched my lonely heart!
I wish I can express in Bilinguals' In Language in words!

My Lord don't leave me to Dies
Without your name in my heart?
University Graduate often failure in Judgement In writing!

Having Holy Bible in the Churches,
Never visited other than websites what are they writing my Lord?

When I ever see your negatives reflection of your love on my wall mirror,

Medically known 'Visual Hallucinations'
Millions of dollars wastes in Treatment by,
Medical board not to see your love by prescribing tablets “Zyprexa”

I fears of symptoms 'distant friendship click of a finger' love alone!

When I ever alone at night I try to count how many star in the sky?

I wish I can write not your but my name in the sky too!

When ever I wake up in the morning I can see your beautiful not face,

But morning star touched my lonely heart!
I don't need to wash my face!
In your name “ALLAH” I glorify, none but, you my love

Your only name written in the Germany Forest?
How sweet is natural fruit watermelon In Great Britain?

Minister(s) never realised until discovered your Name!

Its forbidden fruits in the nation where there is your name on,

Your name I share the most In Life on earth?”
...By Author of “the Islands Historia De Amor”

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