News › General News       26.09.2018

ARTECAO Trains 10 Countries In Technical And Scientific Police

The Support for the Reinforcement of the Technical and Scientific Police in West Africa (ARTECAO) has deepened the capacity of West African countries in technical and scientific police in Abidjan from 3 to 21 September, 2018.

The regional training was attended by police officers and gendarmes from 10 countries such as Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria, Guinea, NIGER and Côte d'Ivoire.

The law enforcement officers were taken through different topics under the Technical and Scientific Police such as Preservation of Traces and Clues, Crime Scene Management, Identification of Traces and Clues and how they are collected.

The transfer of theoretical knowledge and practical work at the training event allowed the trainees to consolidate and compare country knowledge and experience from each other.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, the Homeland Security Attaché at the French Embassy in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Colonel Jérôme PATOUX, expressed gratitude to the Ivorian authorities and trainers for their involvement and contribution towards the success end of the two weeks training for the benefit of the sub-region.

He expressed satisfaction with the conduct of the training sessions at the Abidjan National Police Academy for members who sounded passionate about the issues in the sector.

Colonel Jérôme PATOUX urged the trainees to make good use of the knowledge gained as well as training materials which were provide to them by the ARTECAO project.

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